Sync repos after all repos synced foreman 3.8 stuck running

daily sync repos never completes

expect daily sync to complete
Foreman and Proxy versions:
foreman 3.8.0-1 proxy
Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:

Distribution and version:
Alma linux 8
Other relevant data:

seems like there are 2 pending but that is not the case. How do I find these pending repos

related to this known problem perhaps?

I can confirm the problem is no longer present after upgrading to 3.9/4.11 so that’s probably the best option if available

I have just noticed the same issue. After two weeks wondering why there are so little updates arriving…

The bug seems to have been fixed

However, it is still not in the repository. Any chance to get this soon into 3.8?

This will be in Katello 4.10.1, which @pcreech is working on. You can track the release progress here: Katello 4.10.1 Release Process

Ok. Thanks for the info. I hope it gets out soon. The post is already 16 days old and no progress so far… I have patched the file for now.

Agree, 4.10.1 would be a nice addition. Did a quick test roll out on my production to 3.9/4.11 last week and sadly hit several strange problems so had to roll back before it impacted to much.