Testing of CentOS/Alma/Rocky 8 AppRepo


Once again, in a clone of template “Kickstart Default,” I commented out just the section that handles ‘additional_media’:

<% @additional_media.each do |medium| -%>

<% end %>

As before, Anaconda can’t find the Rocky AppStream repo and the build pauses, asking what to do about packages ‘wget’ and ‘redhat-lsb-core’.

What DID solve the problem, was to add ‘additional_media’ as a parameter to my Rocky 8 OS definition, like so:

Name: additional_media
Type: string
Value: [{“name”:“appstream”,“url”:“http://dl.rockylinux.org/$contentdir/$releasever/AppStream/$basearch/os/”}]

Subsequently, I was able to build Rocky 8.4 with the Kickstart Default template and Anaconda finds Rocky 8 AppStream, as expected.

I referenced this post, which discusses a similar issue with CentOS 8 and the EPEL repo.

One thing I noticed: ‘additional_media’ is referenced as a parameter in the Kickstart Default template, but it is not documented in the initial comment block. Why keep it a secret?