Trigger an email notification to user when a job is scheduled

The user or admin user is not notified via email when a job is scheduled to execute a patch or command

Expected outcome:
The user recieves a notification email, similar to when a job fails or succeed, that a job is scheduled to be applied to a registered host

Foreman and Proxy versions:
Foreman 3.3
Proxy 3.3

Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:

Distribution and version:

Other relevant data:

You get a notification in the notification bell in the upper right corner when a job fails. But don’t think you would get an email notification.

The admin user can configure email notifications via the “remote execution job” notification. This will send emails to the user when jobs fail or succeed. However, there’s not any for when a job is scheduled.

is there a way to send email notifications automaticately when a job is scheduled?

Wondering if the code has changed. I can’t find any similar page like yours under Administrator - Settings. Where is your page located?

I am using version 3.3 of foreman and 4.5 for Katello

You select administer, navigate to user, select admin user and click on the “Email Preferences” tab

Thanks for your reply. Learned one more feature in Foreman :slight_smile:

Would you please add your request here: Issues - Foreman Remote Execution - Foreman and give some reason for the request to help the team to set its priority. Thanks.