Trying to create content view filter rule

Problem: Running: hammer content-view filter rule create --content-view-id ${CVID}
–content-view-filter-id ${CVFID} --end-date “2020-09-30” --types enhancement,bugfix,security

I get back:
Could not create filter rule:
unknown attribute 'end_date" for Katello::ContentViewPackageFilterRule

Expected outcome: The filter rule gets created.

Foreman and Proxy versions: foreman 2.1.4-1, katello 3.16.2-1

Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:

Distribution and version: CentOS 7.9

Other relevant data: I successfully ran:
IDs=$(hammer repository list --product el7_repos | grep -E ‘base_x86_64|epel|extras|updates’ | awk ‘{ print $1 }’ | sort -n | tr ‘\n’ ', ')
hammer content-view create --name “el7_content_by_date” --description “Content view for CentOS 7 by date” --repository-ids ${IDs%?} --solve-dependencies true
CVID=$(hammer content-view list | grep el7_content_by_date | awk ‘{ print $1 }’)
hammer content-view filter create --content-view-id ${CVID} --description “Filter for OS packages without errata” --inclusion true --name “OS Filter without Errata” --original-packages true --repository-ids ${IDs%?} --type rpm

Never mind. I was using this at the wrong location.

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OK, forget the never mind. :slight_smile:
I’m trying to create a content view for CentOS 7 rpms packages without errata to end at the date just after 7.9 was released. I created the content view:

IDs=$(hammer repository list --product el7_repos | grep -E ‘base_x86_64|epel|extras|updates’ | awk ‘{ print $1 }’ | sort -n | tr ‘\n’ ', ')

hammer content-view create --name “el7_content_by_date” --description “Content view for CentOS 7 by date” --repository-ids ${IDs%?} --solve-dependencies true

CVID=$(hammer content-view list | grep el7_content_by_date | awk ‘{ print $1 }’)

hammer content-view filter create --content-view-id ${CVID} --description “Filter for OS packages without errata” --inclusion true --name “OS Filter without Errata” --original-packages true --repository-ids ${IDs%?} --type rpm

Now, I am trying to create the rule with the end date:

hammer content-view filter rule create --content-view-id ${CVID} --content-view-filter-id ${CVFID} --end-date 2020-09-30

and I get back:

Could not create the filter rule:
unknown attribute ‘end_date’ for Katello::ContentViewPackageFilterRule

What am I doing wrong?

I think the end_date parameter can only be used for errata filters (--type erratum), but the filter you created was an rpm filter.

Thanks! I eventually came to the same conclusion. :slight_smile: