Ubuntu Katello Host Tools Tracer

I’m using Atix’s APT repo to get my Ubuntu servers into Foreman/Katello.

I’m wondering if it’s possible to install Katello Host Tools Tracer so I can get info about reboots needed like I can for my CentOS machines.

I see Atix has the python3 package in the repo, but it can’t be installed - apt says there is no package that matches.


Hi @mdiorio

There does not appear to be a DEB package in deb.theforeman.org

You could try using alien and convert the RPM’s to DEB’s and see if that works. I have not tested this personally so not sure if it would work or not, but worth a shot.

This is a client repo, not Foreman server.


I somehow finally got it installed. Seems like it doesn’t actually work though:
Cannot upload tracer data, is this client registered?

It is registered.

@mdiorio is there a traceback either from the Katello server in /var/log/foreman/production.log or on the client from journalctl?

nothing that I can see.

I will spin up an Ubuntu 20.04 box and see if I can see anything that might look odd. While doing that going to ping the Atix guys to see if they know of any things that could stand out or be missed since I have not done much in the DEB land.

@Bernhard_Suttner @maximilian @m-bucher

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The build instructions for the katello-host-tools can be found here:

This is not complete and need to be moved to foreman-packaging. So, if you are good in building packages, you may have a look at this PR.


Thanks Bernhard - how would building it be different than the version built in the repo by Atix?