Unable to change lifecycle environment/content view for Kubernetes node


Hi everybody,

I’m trying to change the lifecycle environment for a new kubernetes node from Library (Default Organizational View) to my Production LE (and its CV).
But instead of it finishing the process, the following error message appears:

An error occurred saving the Content Host: Interfaces some interfaces are invalid

I don’t really know what could help in this case about information, so here are the parts used for the Kubernetes node:

  • Rocky Linux 8.5
  • Plain Kubernetes from the Google repo, setup with kubeadm
  • Docker is used as CRI
  • Antrea is used as CNI
  • Contour is used as Ingress/Loadbalancer
  • And a local-path-storage is configured
  • Currently it’s running only AWX on it

And this results in the following NICs:

  • ovs-system
  • antrea-gw0
  • genev_sys_6081
  • awx-post-74590f
  • contour–550474
  • coredns–829e3c
  • awx-oper-c52326
  • coredns–61de3d
  • awx-5668-753bca
  • local-pa-b2715b
  • contour–e8436e

The actual VM interface is not listed.

Expected outcome:

Being able to switch to a different LE/CV.

Foreman and Proxy versions:

Foreman 3.2
Katello 4.4

Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:

VMware provider
Remote Execution
Snapshot Management

Distribution and version:

Rocky Linux 8.5

Other relevant data:

This is the output of the production.log:

2022-04-07T22:58:46 [I|app|cb9a1446] Processing by Api::V2::HostsController#update as JSON
2022-04-07T22:58:46 [I|app|cb9a1446]   Parameters: {"id"=>"48", "host"=>{"content_facet_attributes"=>{"id"=>48, "content_view_id"=>2, "lifecycle_environment_id"=>3}}, "apiv"=>"v2"}
2022-04-07T22:58:46 [W|app|cb9a1446] Not queueing Host::Managed: ["Interfaces some interfaces are invalid"]
2022-04-07T22:58:46 [W|app|cb9a1446] Not queueing Host::Managed: ["Interfaces some interfaces are invalid"]
2022-04-07T22:58:46 [W|app|cb9a1446] Not queueing Host::Managed: ["Interfaces some interfaces are invalid"]
2022-04-07T22:58:46 [E|app|cb9a1446] Unprocessable entity Host::Managed (id: 48):
 cb9a1446 |   Interfaces some interfaces are invalid
 cb9a1446 |
2022-04-07T22:58:46 [I|app|cb9a1446]   Rendering api/v2/errors/unprocessable_entity.json.rabl within api/v2/layouts/error_layout
2022-04-07T22:58:46 [I|app|cb9a1446]   Rendered api/v2/errors/unprocessable_entity.json.rabl within api/v2/layouts/error_layout (Duration: 1.9ms | Allocations: 434)
2022-04-07T22:58:46 [I|app|cb9a1446] Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 81ms (Views: 8.3ms | ActiveRecord: 7.1ms | Allocations: 43294)

If I can provide any further information I will off course do that!

Thank you for the help once again!

Does somebody here know how to resolve that? :slight_smile:

I just upgraded to to make sure it didn’t get fixed somehow,
still happening :thinking:

Can I provide more information to help to track that down?
Or is this just not supported right now?
(if it’s also okay I would just like to know)