Unable to login via LDAP/LDAPS (Active Directory)

Hi all,

I’m having an issue with Foreman trying to use my active directory (both test with ldap/ldaps) in order to let some admin users to access foreman.

Although test connection was successful, I’m not able to connect with a users of specific group.

This is my configuration:

and following logs whe I try to login:

2018-02-06 10:01:18 dadc4311 [app] [I] Started POST "/users/login" for xx.xx.xx.xx at 2018-02-06 10:01:18 +0100
2018-02-06 10:01:18 dadc4311 [app] [I] Processing by UsersController#login as HTML
2018-02-06 10:01:18 dadc4311 [app] [I]   Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"romg/E4WSgCB2JDoaP2dq/rfTUJ3dabq2mIKoyvMfE9mN477pJrEcOFlML3+xdNeHRTg6KfnBczXqW8plDuD9w==", "login"=>{"login"=>"USER", "password"=>"[FILTERED]"}, "commit"=>"Accedi"}
2018-02-06 10:01:18 dadc4311 [app] [I] Redirected to https://xx.xx.xx.xx/users/login
2018-02-06 10:01:18 dadc4311 [app] [I] Completed 302 Found in 142ms (ActiveRecord: 7.7ms)
2018-02-06 10:01:18 c2967c7c [app] [I] Started GET "/users/login" for xx.xx.xx.xx at 2018-02-06 10:01:18 +0100
2018-02-06 10:01:18 c2967c7c [app] [I] Processing by UsersController#login as HTML
2018-02-06 10:01:18 c2967c7c [app] [I]   Rendered users/login.html.erb within layouts/login (7.0ms)
2018-02-06 10:01:18 c2967c7c [app] [I]   Rendered layouts/base.html.erb (4.3ms)
2018-02-06 10:01:18 c2967c7c [app] [I] Completed 200 OK in 17ms (Views: 13.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)```


as a new user I can’t post more than one image. Is there a way to upload them in replies?

finally I fixed the issue following this post:


Glad you figured it. For anyone else following along, those mails have been imported to the forum, so you can find it here.