Unable to sync some repositories (AlmaLinux in this case)

Here’s the pipeline to watch: pulpcore-3.14-rpm-pipeline [Jenkins]


“passed”: it’s there now: https://yum.theforeman.org/pulpcore/3.14/el8/x86_64/python3-pulp-rpm-3.14.0-1.el8.noarch.rpm

To whom it may concern: after the update you should probably restart foreman to make pulp use the new version and also don’t forget to run the repair script from Issue #9107: filelists and changelog metadata is not parsed properly - Pulp saves incorrect filelists and changelog metadata and generates incorrect metadata - RPM Support - Pulp to fix all that broken metadata in the database…


Just installed the new pulp modules on el8, sync, content view creation and applicability issue is fixed for me.

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Thank you (and to the team)! Huge relief to have this fixed.

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Finally, it’s working, all repos are in sync.

I think I am experiencing a different issue then. I still experience the issues mentioned in Unable to sync some repositories (AlmaLinux in this case) - #16 by Thulium-Drake

What can be causes of this?

Try to delete content, re-sync repo and republish metadata.

Well, I have reinstalled the whole Foreman server from scratch (I’m working in a Lab environment and I’m configuring Foreman using Ansible).

So I’m pretty sure that there was no prior repo content :sweat_smile:

You can also try to restrict the number of concurrent download threads, maybe the repo provider have some restrictions.

  • hammer repository update --id=repo_id_number --download-concurrency=1
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Good tip, I’ll give it a shot! I’ll post when I have updates :slight_smile:

Thank you! That seemed to do the trick! :slight_smile:

Maybe it’s also resource-related on my poor laptop :wink:

Glad it helped. Usually the restriction in this case is from repo provider, not from your resources.