Upgrade 2.0.2/3.15.3 -> 2.1.2/3.16.0 - db:migrate fails loading evr extension when using external PostgreSQL database for Foreman and Candlepin

If I may be so bold an make a suggestion, that would have helped me.
I hope I have my facts straight below.

The Katello 3.15 release notes

  • Should have a note about the default/supported database being change to rh-postgresql12, from 9.2. So external databases should be upgraded.
  • It should be noted that this version enforces a local installation of rh-postgresql12 for Pulp3. This is especially important for people using external databases. Notably because the installer might fail if you have the CentOS 7 postgresql 9.2 package installed (see Upgrade 1.24.2 > 2.0.1 unable to install and migrate to rh-postgresql 12 on CentOS 7.8)

The Foreman 2.0 release notes

  • Under the consolidation notes of PostgreSQL, it should also be noted that the default supported PostgreSQL version is bumped to 12 from 9.2.

The Katello 3.16 release notes

  • Under the features, it should be noted that the installer now supports options for remote Pulp3 PostgreSQL database. Perhaps a note about this being beta if that is the case? (the options is only shown by the --full-help option).
    • A link to info about how to use the options and what they are would be nice
    • A link to info about how to correctly migrate from local to remote would also be nice.
  • Under notes it should be stated that a new PostgreSQL extension is being introduced, and that this is only being packed for the supported version of PostgreSQL at any point in time.
    • A note to remote databases about this needing to be installed manually prior to upgrading.
    • If currently using both local and remote database, then the evr extenion needs to be present in both installation as both Katello and Foreman uses the extesion

The Foreman 2.1 release notes

  • It should be stated that a new PostgreSQL extension is being introduced, and that this is only being packed for the supported version of PostgreSQL at any point in time.
    • I’m actually unsure if this is true, if you are running a pure Foreman installation?
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