Upgrade from 1.5.3 to 1.6 big issue


I have upgraded from Foreman 1.5.3 to 1.6 on a Debian using Foreman apt

I now have a strange error on ALL puppet clients that now fail :

Could not find class apt::params in namespaces apt on node host.domain.com

while /etc/puppet/node.rb host.domain.com still returns valid output.

I have activated debug logs into config.ru, nothing looks interresting :

2014-09-24 13:05:58 +0200 Puppet (debug): importing
'/etc/puppet/environments/production/modules/apt/manifests/params.pp' in
environment production
2014-09-24 13:05:58 +0200 Puppet (debug): Automatically imported
apt::params from apt/params into production
2014-09-24 13:05:58 +0200 Puppet (err): Could not find class apt::params in
namespaces apt on node host.domain.com
2014-09-24 13:05:58 +0200 Puppet (err): Could not find class apt::params in
namespaces apt on node host.domain.com
2014-09-24 13:05:58 +0200 Puppet (err): Could not find class apt::params in
namespaces apt on node host.domain.com
2014-09-24 13:05:58 +0200 Puppet (debug): Handling request: PUT
2014-09-24 13:05:58 +0200 Puppet (debug): Routes Registered:
2014-09-24 13:05:58 +0200 Puppet (debug): Route /^/v2.0/
2014-09-24 13:05:58 +0200 Puppet (debug): Route /./
2014-09-24 13:05:58 +0200 Puppet (debug): Evaluating match for Route
2014-09-24 13:05:58 +0200 Puppet (debug): Did not match path
2014-09-24 13:05:58 +0200 Puppet (debug): Evaluating match for Route /.
2014-09-24 13:05:58 +0200 Puppet (debug): Received report to process from
2014-09-24 13:05:58 +0200 Puppet (debug): Processing report
from host.domain.com with processor Puppet::Reports::Foreman

My production is down.

I'd like to fix the problem rather than rollback to 1.5.3.

Any help welcome.

I found out the problem is not related to Foreman.
It did a dist-upgrade on the system to get the latest Foreman. This has
also upgraded Puppet from 3.6.x to 3.7.1.

And this is broken. I can't find out why 3.7 won't look for classes in the
right location.
I've been
reading https://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_namespaces.html
and stuff about preparing for Puppet 4.0 but still don't get things like
modules/apt/manifests/init.pp modules/apt/manifests/params.pp won't work
anymore :confused: