I need access to VM properties (VM tab in* /hosts/FQDN*) in foreman 1.2.1
Properties like NIC, DISK UUID…
With /hosts/FQDN?format=json i get:
host: {
compute_resource_id: 104,
organization_id: 2,
serial: null,
location_id: 1,
managed: true,
uuid: "8369e94e-4a60-2889-0d34-535687d7b066",
architecture_id: 1,
domain_id: 1,
last_compile: null,
last_report: null,
model_id: null,
root_pass: "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
source_file_id: null,
hostgroup_id: 18,
updated_at: "2013-10-29T12:07:30Z",
comment: "",
operatingsystem_id: 22,
build: false,
certname: "test_loct.foo.es",
environment: {
environment: {
name: "xisrcal",
id: 151
image_file: "",
image_id: null,
ptable_id: 13,
puppet_proxy_id: 7,
puppet_status: 0,
disk: "",
installed_at: "2013-10-29T09:47:17Z",
subnet_id: 4,
created_at: "2013-10-29T08:43:30Z",
enabled: true,
name: "test_loct.tems.foo.es",
owner_id: 6,
owner_type: "User",
interfaces: [ ],
environment_id: 151,
medium_id: 21,
puppet_ca_proxy_id: 7,
use_image: null,
id: 10248,
ip: "",
last_freshcheck: null,
mac: "52:54:00:a7:24:bf",
host_parameters: [ ]
* * How i can access to VM properties from API? (Before facter)Thanks.