What happens to local acoount when integrate with AD?

Problem: Need to know local account(e.g. admin) status after synced with AD whether it’s not working or removed automatically

Expected outcome: Local account(e.g admin) still needs to be working or we can customize its roles based on our requirements

**Foreman and Proxy versions:**3.2.0

**Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:**3.2.0

Distribution and version:

Other relevant data:

Planning to integrate Foreman with AD. Need to know local account(e.g. admin) status after synced with AD whether it’s not working or removed automatically.

Can anyone implemented? if yes, please post your answer.

Local Accounts are unchanged. Every account is local but has a password backend configured, so an AD account would be only one using the AD password to authenticate. Plus it allows to use a mapping between local and external group from the AD to assign a role for privileges.

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