Wrong docs for hammer compute-profile interface vmware

hammer does not update vmware interfaces:

What docs states:

    hammer compute-profile values update-interface [OPTIONS]

 --compute-profile COMPUTE_PROFILE_NAME    Compute profile name
 --compute-profile-id COMPUTE_PROFILE_ID    
 --compute-resource COMPUTE_RESOURCE_NAME  Compute resource name
 --compute-resource-id COMPUTE_RESOURCE_ID  
 --interface SET_VALUES                    Interface parameters, should be comma separated list of values
                                           Comma-separated list of key=value.
                                           JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 --interface-id INTERFACE_ID               Interface id
 --location LOCATION_NAME                  Location name
 --location-id LOCATION_ID                  
 --location-title LOCATION_TITLE           Location title
 --organization ORGANIZATION_NAME          Organization name
 --organization-id ORGANIZATION_ID          
 --organization-title ORGANIZATION_TITLE   Organization title
 -h, --help                                Print help

Provider specific options:
      compute_type        Type of the network adapter, for example one of:
                          See documentation center for your version of vSphere to find more details about available adapter types:
      compute_network     Network ID from VMware

what i tried:

hammer compute-profile values create --interface compute_type=VirtualVmxnet3,compute_network=dvportgroup-108778
hammer compute-profile values (update/create)-interface --interface compute_type=VirtualVmxnet3,compute_network=dvportgroup-108778
hammer compute-profile values update-interface --compute-profile "Normal WEB-Prod Box" --compute-resource "VCenter ORGANIZATION" --interface-id 0 --interface compute_type=VirtualVmxnet3,compute_network=dvportgroup-108778
hammer compute-profile values update-interface --compute-profile "Normal WEB-Prod Box" --compute-resource "VCenter ORGANIZATION" --interface-id 0 --interface compute_type="VMXNET 3",compute_network="dvPortGroup-207-for-future-use"
hammer compute-profile values update-interface --compute-profile "Normal WEB-Prod Box" --compute-resource "VCenter ORGANIZATION" --interface-id 0 --interface type_name="VMXNET 3",network_name="dvPortGroup-207-for-future-use"
hammer compute-profile values update-interface --compute-profile "Normal WEB-Prod Box" --compute-resource "VCenter ORGANIZATION" --interface-id 0 --interface type_id=VirtualVmxnet3,network_id=dvportgroup-108778

Actual Outcome:
Interface was updated.

"interfaces_attributes" => {
    "0" => {
           "compute_type" => "VirtualVmxnet3",
        "compute_network" => "dvportgroup-108778"


"interfaces_attributes" => {
    "0" => {
             "type_id" => nil,
           "type_name" => nil,
          "network_id" => nil,
        "network_name" => nil

Expected outcome:
Interface was updated.

"interfaces_attributes" => {
    "0" => {
           "compute_type" => "VirtualVmxnet3",
        "compute_network" => "dvportgroup-108778"


"interfaces_attributes" => {
    "0" => {
             "type_id" => "VirtualVmxnet3",
           "type_name" => "VMXNET 3",
          "network_id" => "dvportgroup-108778",
        "network_name" => "dvPortGroup-207-for-future-use"

Foreman and Proxy versions:
1.22.1 - 1.23


docs are wrong use:

hammer -d compute-profile values update-interface --compute-profile "Normal WEB-Prod Box" --compute-resource "VCenter ORGANIZATION" --interface-id 0 --interface type=VirtualVmxnet3,network=dvportgroup-108778

its type and network not compute_type and compute_network

Other relevant data:
[e.g. logs from Foreman and/or the Proxy, modified templates, commands issued, etc]
(for logs, surround with three back-ticks to get proper formatting, e.g.)

[e[32m INFOe[0m e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mInite[0m] Initialization of Hammer CLI (0.17.1) has started...
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mInite[0m] Running at ruby 2.5.5-p157
[e[32m INFOe[0m e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mInite[0m] Configuration from the file /etc/hammer/cli_config.yml has been loaded
[e[32m INFOe[0m e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mInite[0m] Configuration from the file /etc/hammer/cli.modules.d/foreman.yml has been loaded
[e[32m INFOe[0m e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mInite[0m] Configuration from the file /etc/hammer/cli.modules.d/foreman_templates.yml has been loaded
[e[32m INFOe[0m e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mInite[0m] Configuration from the file /home/erami/.hammer/cli.modules.d/foreman.yml has been loaded
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mSSLoptionse[0m] SSL options: {
    :verify_ssl => true
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Global headers: {
        :content_type => "application/json",
              :accept => "application/json;version=2",
    "Accept-Language" => "en"
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Follow redirects: never
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mConnectione[0m] Registered: foreman
[e[32m INFOe[0m e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mModulese[0m] Extension module hammer_cli_foreman (0.17.0) loaded.
[e[33m WARNe[0m e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mHammerCLIForemanTemplates::ImportCommande[0m] Resource 'template' does not exist in the API
[e[33m WARNe[0m e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mHammerCLIForemanTemplates::ExportCommande[0m] Resource 'template' does not exist in the API
[e[32m INFOe[0m e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mModulese[0m] Extension module hammer_cli_foreman_templates (0.1.2) loaded.
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mInite[0m] Using locale 'en'
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mInite[0m] 'mo' files for locale domain 'hammer-cli' loaded from '/usr/share/locale'
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mInite[0m] 'mo' files for locale domain 'hammer-cli-foreman' loaded from '/usr/share/locale'
[e[32m INFOe[0m e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mHammerCLI::MainCommande[0m] Called with options: {"option_debug"=>true}
[e[32m INFOe[0m e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mHammerCLIForeman::ComputeProfilee[0m] Called with options: {}
[e[32m INFOe[0m e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mHammerCLIForeman::ComputeAttributee[0m] Called with options: {}
[e[32m INFOe[0m e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Server: https://foreman.organizaation.at
[e[32m INFOe[0m e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] GET /api/compute_profiles
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Params: {
    :search => "name = \"Normal WEB-Prod Box\""
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Headers: {
    :params => {
        :search => "name = \"Normal WEB-Prod Box\""
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Using authenticator: HammerCLIForeman::Api::InteractiveBasicAuth
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Response: {
       "total" => 5,
    "subtotal" => 1,
        "page" => 1,
    "per_page" => 20,
      "search" => "name = \"Normal WEB-Prod Box\"",
        "sort" => {
           "by" => nil,
        "order" => nil
     "results" => [
        [0] {
            "created_at" => "2019-09-17T15:00:06.566Z",
            "updated_at" => "2019-09-17T15:00:06.566Z",
                    "id" => 6,
                  "name" => "Normal WEB-Prod Box"
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Response headers: {
                      :foreman_version => "1.22.1",
                  :foreman_api_version => "2",
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                      :apipie_checksum => "bf21a9e8fbc5a3846fb05b4fa0859e0917b2202f",
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                               :server => "WEBrick/1.4.2 (Ruby/2.5.1/2018-03-29)",
                                 :date => "Wed, 18 Sep 2019 13:47:04 GMT",
                       :content_length => "296",
                           :set_cookie => [
        [0] "_session_id=dc32da5e170ce2ba702db78f90f488f4; path=/; HttpOnly; secure; SameSite=Lax"
[e[32m INFOe[0m e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Server: https://foreman.organizaation.at
[e[32m INFOe[0m e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] GET /api/compute_resources
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Params: {
    :search => "name = \"VCenter organization\""
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Headers: {
    :params => {
        :search => "name = \"VCenter organization\""
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Using authenticator: HammerCLIForeman::Api::InteractiveBasicAuth
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Response: {
       "total" => 1,
    "subtotal" => 1,
        "page" => 1,
    "per_page" => 20,
      "search" => "name = \"VCenter organization\"",
        "sort" => {
           "by" => nil,
        "order" => nil
     "results" => [
        [0] {
                       "description" => "productive VMWare Datacenter",
                               "url" => "WX63V-VCTR-P1.organizaation.at",
                        "created_at" => "2019-09-13T13:11:22.951Z",
                        "updated_at" => "2019-09-13T13:11:22.951Z",
                                "id" => 1,
                              "name" => "VCenter organization",
                          "provider" => "Vmware",
            "provider_friendly_name" => "VMware",
                              "user" => "svc_user",
                        "datacenter" => "organization Net 2.x",
                            "server" => "WX63V-VCTR-P1.organizaation.at",
              "set_console_password" => true,
                   "caching_enabled" => true,
                      "display_type" => "vmrc"
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Response headers: {
                      :foreman_version => "1.22.1",
                  :foreman_api_version => "2",
                         :content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                      :apipie_checksum => "bf21a9e8fbc5a3846fb05b4fa0859e0917b2202f",
                                 :etag => "W/\"2c41645b13d3f7e7e09581781b06f2ca\"",
                        :cache_control => "max-age=0, private, must-revalidate",
                         :x_request_id => "31a7140c-f75c-42eb-a13a-e353ca230c6a",
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            :strict_transport_security => "max-age=631139040; includeSubdomains",
                      :x_frame_options => "sameorigin",
               :x_content_type_options => "nosniff",
                     :x_xss_protection => "1; mode=block",
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              :content_security_policy => "default-src 'self'; child-src 'self'; connect-src 'self' ws: wss:; img-src 'self' data: *.gravatar.com; script-src 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline' 'self'; style-src 'unsafe-inline' 'self'",
                               :server => "WEBrick/1.4.2 (Ruby/2.5.1/2018-03-29)",
                                 :date => "Wed, 18 Sep 2019 13:47:04 GMT",
                       :content_length => "576",
                           :set_cookie => [
        [0] "_session_id=d86125892789972f9f5875840296bf8f; path=/; HttpOnly; secure; SameSite=Lax"
[e[32m INFOe[0m e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mHammerCLIForeman::ComputeAttribute::UpdateInterfacee[0m] Called with options: {"option_interface"=>{"compute_type"=>"VirtualVmxnet3", "compute_network"=>"dvportgroup-108778"}, "option_interface_id"=>0, "option_compute_profile_name"=>"Normal WEB-Prod Box", "option_compute_profile_id"=>6, "option_compute_resource_name"=>"VCenter organization", "option_compute_resource_id"=>1}
[e[32m INFOe[0m e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Server: https://foreman.organizaation.at
[e[32m INFOe[0m e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] GET /api/compute_profiles/6
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Params: {}
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Headers: {
    :params => {}
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Using authenticator: HammerCLIForeman::Api::InteractiveBasicAuth
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Response: {
            "created_at" => "2019-09-17T15:00:06.566Z",
            "updated_at" => "2019-09-17T15:00:06.566Z",
                    "id" => 6,
                  "name" => "Normal WEB-Prod Box",
    "compute_attributes" => [
        [0] {
                                "id" => 3,
                              "name" => "1 CPUs and 2048 MB memory",
               "compute_resource_id" => 1,
             "compute_resource_name" => "VCenter organization",
            "provider_friendly_name" => "VMware",
                "compute_profile_id" => 6,
              "compute_profile_name" => "Normal WEB-Prod Box",
                          "vm_attrs" => {
                                 "cpus" => "1",
                 "scsi_controller_type" => "ParaVirtualSCSIController",
                            "memory_mb" => "2048",
                             "firmware" => "bios",
                              "cluster" => "PROD LX L1TF",
                        "resource_pool" => "Resources",
                                 "path" => "/Datencenter/organization Net 2.x/vm/WEB-Prod-207",
                             "guest_id" => "ubuntu64Guest",
                     "hardware_version" => "vmx-13",
                     "cpuHotAddEnabled" => "1",
                  "memoryHotAddEnabled" => "1",
                   "volumes_attributes" => {
                    "0" => {
                         "datastore" => "prod_nas_gold_lx_webserver_nfs4",
                           "size_gb" => "20 GB",
                              "thin" => "True",
                        "eager_zero" => "False",
                              "mode" => "persistent"
                "interfaces_attributes" => {
                    "0" => {
                           "compute_type" => "VirtualVmxnet3",
                        "compute_network" => "dvportgroup-108778"
                        "attributes" => {
                                  "cpus" => "1",
                              "firmware" => "bios",
                              "guest_id" => "ubuntu64Guest",
                            "annotation" => nil,
                      "resource_pool_id" => "resgroup-1353526",
                              "image_id" => nil,
                      "cores_per_socket" => nil,
                                "memory" => 2097152,
                           "folder_path" => "/Datencenter/organization Net 2.x/vm/WEB-Prod-207",
                           "folder_name" => "WEB-Prod-207",
                            "cluster_id" => "domain-c1353525",
                          "cluster_name" => "PROD LX L1TF",
                    "resource_pool_name" => "Resources",
                            "guest_name" => "Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)",
                   "hardware_version_id" => "vmx-13",
                 "hardware_version_name" => "13 (ESXi 6.5)",
                "memory_hot_add_enabled" => true,
                   "cpu_hot_add_enabled" => true,
                             "add_cdrom" => nil,
                            "image_name" => nil,
                      "scsi_controllers" => {},
                    "volumes_attributes" => {
                    "0" => {
                                  "name" => nil,
                                  "mode" => "persistent",
                        "controller_key" => nil,
                                  "thin" => true,
                                  "size" => "21474836480",
                        "datastore_name" => "prod_nas_gold_lx_webserver_nfs4",
                          "datastore_id" => "datastore-1910279"
                 "interfaces_attributes" => {
                    "0" => {
                             "type_id" => nil,
                           "type_name" => nil,
                          "network_id" => nil,
                        "network_name" => nil
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Response headers: {
                      :foreman_version => "1.22.1",
                  :foreman_api_version => "2",
                         :content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                      :apipie_checksum => "bf21a9e8fbc5a3846fb05b4fa0859e0917b2202f",
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                               :server => "WEBrick/1.4.2 (Ruby/2.5.1/2018-03-29)",
                                 :date => "Wed, 18 Sep 2019 13:47:04 GMT",
                       :content_length => "1817",
                           :set_cookie => [
        [0] "_session_id=d7128b9e979d4a975235ca509a359523; path=/; HttpOnly; secure; SameSite=Lax"
[e[32m INFOe[0m e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Server: https://foreman.organizaation.at
[e[32m INFOe[0m e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] GET /api/compute_resources/1
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Params: {}
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Headers: {
    :params => {}
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Using authenticator: HammerCLIForeman::Api::InteractiveBasicAuth
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Response: {
               "description" => "productive VMWare Datacenter",
                       "url" => "WX63V-VCTR-P1.organizaation.at",
                "created_at" => "2019-09-13T13:11:22.951Z",
                "updated_at" => "2019-09-13T13:11:22.951Z",
                        "id" => 1,
                      "name" => "VCenter organization",
                  "provider" => "Vmware",
    "provider_friendly_name" => "VMware",
                      "user" => "svc_user",
                "datacenter" => "organization Net 2.x",
                    "server" => "WX63V-VCTR-P1.organizaation.at",
      "set_console_password" => true,
           "caching_enabled" => true,
              "display_type" => "vmrc",
                    "images" => [],
        "compute_attributes" => [
        [0] {
                                "id" => 3,
                              "name" => "1 CPUs and 2048 MB memory",
               "compute_resource_id" => 1,
             "compute_resource_name" => "VCenter organization",
            "provider_friendly_name" => "VMware",
                "compute_profile_id" => 6,
              "compute_profile_name" => "Normal WEB-Prod Box",
                          "vm_attrs" => {
                                 "cpus" => "1",
                 "scsi_controller_type" => "ParaVirtualSCSIController",
                            "memory_mb" => "2048",
                             "firmware" => "bios",
                              "cluster" => "PROD LX L1TF",
                        "resource_pool" => "Resources",
                                 "path" => "/Datencenter/organization Net 2.x/vm/WEB-Prod-207",
                             "guest_id" => "ubuntu64Guest",
                     "hardware_version" => "vmx-13",
                     "cpuHotAddEnabled" => "1",
                  "memoryHotAddEnabled" => "1",
                   "volumes_attributes" => {
                    "0" => {
                         "datastore" => "prod_nas_gold_lx_webserver_nfs4",
                           "size_gb" => "20 GB",
                              "thin" => "True",
                        "eager_zero" => "False",
                              "mode" => "persistent"
                "interfaces_attributes" => {
                    "0" => {
                           "compute_type" => "VirtualVmxnet3",
                        "compute_network" => "dvportgroup-108778"
                        "attributes" => {
                                  "cpus" => "1",
                              "firmware" => "bios",
                              "guest_id" => "ubuntu64Guest",
                            "annotation" => nil,
                      "resource_pool_id" => "resgroup-1353526",
                              "image_id" => nil,
                      "cores_per_socket" => nil,
                                "memory" => 2097152,
                           "folder_path" => "/Datencenter/organization Net 2.x/vm/WEB-Prod-207",
                           "folder_name" => "WEB-Prod-207",
                            "cluster_id" => "domain-c1353525",
                          "cluster_name" => "PROD LX L1TF",
                    "resource_pool_name" => "Resources",
                            "guest_name" => "Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)",
                   "hardware_version_id" => "vmx-13",
                 "hardware_version_name" => "13 (ESXi 6.5)",
                "memory_hot_add_enabled" => true,
                   "cpu_hot_add_enabled" => true,
                             "add_cdrom" => nil,
                            "image_name" => nil,
                      "scsi_controllers" => {},
                    "volumes_attributes" => {
                    "0" => {
                                  "name" => nil,
                                  "mode" => "persistent",
                        "controller_key" => nil,
                                  "thin" => true,
                                  "size" => "21474836480",
                        "datastore_name" => "prod_nas_gold_lx_webserver_nfs4",
                          "datastore_id" => "datastore-1910279"
                 "interfaces_attributes" => {
                    "0" => {
                             "type_id" => nil,
                           "type_name" => nil,
                          "network_id" => nil,
                        "network_name" => nil
        [1] {
                                "id" => 2,
                              "name" => "1 CPUs and 2048 MB memory",
               "compute_resource_id" => 1,
             "compute_resource_name" => "VCenter organization",
            "provider_friendly_name" => "VMware",
                "compute_profile_id" => 5,
              "compute_profile_name" => "Normal IHS-Prod Box",
                          "vm_attrs" => {
                                 "cpus" => "1",
                 "scsi_controller_type" => "ParaVirtualSCSIController",
                            "memory_mb" => "2048",
                             "firmware" => "bios",
                              "cluster" => "PROD LX L1TF",
                        "resource_pool" => "Resources",
                                 "path" => "/Datencenter/organization Net 2.x/vm/WEB-Prod-207",
                             "guest_id" => "ubuntu64Guest",
                     "hardware_version" => "vmx-13",
                     "cpuHotAddEnabled" => "1",
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                    "0" => {
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                           "folder_path" => "/Datencenter/organization Net 2.x/vm/WEB-Prod-207",
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                            "cluster_id" => "domain-c1353525",
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                 "hardware_version_name" => "13 (ESXi 6.5)",
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                   "cpu_hot_add_enabled" => true,
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                                  "name" => nil,
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                     "id" => 2,
                   "name" => "global",
                  "title" => "global",
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             "organizations" => [
        [0] {
                     "id" => 1,
                   "name" => "organization",
                  "title" => "organization",
            "description" => "This is the organization"
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Response headers: {
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[e[32m INFOe[0m e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Server: https://foreman.organizaation.at
[e[32m INFOe[0m e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] PUT /api/compute_attributes/3
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Params: {
    "compute_attribute" => {
                            "id" => 3,
                          "name" => "1 CPUs and 2048 MB memory",
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         "compute_resource_name" => "VCenter organization",
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          "compute_profile_name" => "Normal WEB-Prod Box",
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[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Headers: {}
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:04e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Using authenticator: HammerCLIForeman::Api::InteractiveBasicAuth
[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:05e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Response: {
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                        "id" => 3,
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     "compute_resource_name" => "VCenter organization",
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      "compute_profile_name" => "Normal WEB-Prod Box",
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                  "cluster_name" => "PROD LX L1TF",
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         "hardware_version_name" => "13 (ESXi 6.5)",
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[DEBUG e[34m2019-09-18T15:47:05e[0m e[36mAPIe[0m] Response headers: {
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Interface was updated.

@elytscha, thanks for a detailed report! I believe this is known issue and is tracked as Bug #27652: Creating a host, doesn't create the host properly - Hammer CLI - Foreman. The fix was merged and will be part of next Foreman release.