I, [2016-02-01T13:03:26.129518 #36623] INFO -- : Finished initialization of module 'openscap' I, [2016-02-01T13:03:26.129687 #36623] INFO -- : 'foreman_proxy' settings were initialized with default values: :enabled: true I, [2016-02-01T13:03:26.132839 #36623] INFO -- : Finished initialization of module 'foreman_proxy' I, [2016-02-01T13:03:26.132986 #36623] INFO -- : 'facts' module is disabled. I, [2016-02-01T13:03:26.133183 #36623] INFO -- : 'dns_nsupdate' settings were initialized with default values: :enabled: false I, [2016-02-01T13:03:26.136798 #36623] INFO -- : 'dns' module is disabled. I, [2016-02-01T13:03:26.137008 #36623] INFO -- : 'templates' module is disabled. I, [2016-02-01T13:03:26.137206 #36623] INFO -- : 'tftp' module is disabled. I, [2016-02-01T13:03:26.137428 #36623] INFO -- : 'dhcp' module is disabled. I, [2016-02-01T13:03:26.369285 #36623] INFO -- : Finished initialization of module 'puppetca' I, [2016-02-01T13:03:26.369888 #36623] INFO -- : 'puppet' settings were initialized with default values: :puppet_provider: puppetrun, :salt_puppetrun_cmd: puppet.run, :use_cache: true I, [2016-02-01T13:03:26.375191 #36623] INFO -- : Initializing from Puppet config file: /etc/puppet/puppet.conf I, [2016-02-01T13:03:26.487926 #36623] INFO -- : Finished initialization of module 'puppet' I, [2016-02-01T13:03:26.488217 #36623] INFO -- : 'bmc' module is disabled. I, [2016-02-01T13:03:26.488508 #36623] INFO -- : 'realm' module is disabled. I, [2016-02-01T13:03:26.517525 #36625] INFO -- : WEBrick 1.3.1 I, [2016-02-01T13:03:26.517768 #36625] INFO -- : ruby 1.8.7 (2013-06-27) [x86_64-linux] D, [2016-02-01T13:03:26.554919 #36625] DEBUG -- : TCPServer.new(, 8443) D, [2016-02-01T13:03:26.564030 #36625] DEBUG -- : TCPServer.new(::, 8443) W, [2016-02-01T13:03:26.564219 #36625] WARN -- : TCPServer Error: Address already in use - bind(2) I, [2016-02-01T13:03:26.565483 #36625] INFO -- : Certificate: some D, [2016-02-01T13:03:26.565919 #36625] DEBUG -- : Rack::Handler::WEBrick is mounted on /. I, [2016-02-01T13:03:26.566167 #36625] INFO -- : WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=36625 port=8443 D, [2016-02-01T13:03:34.159141 #36625] DEBUG -- : accept: D, [2016-02-01T13:03:34.162339 #36625] DEBUG -- : Rack::Handler::WEBrick is invoked. W, [2016-02-01T13:03:34.277826 #36625] WARN -- : No environments found - falling back to defaults (production - /etc/puppet/modules) I, [2016-02-01T13:03:34.278734 #36625] INFO -- : - - [01/Feb/2016 13:03:34] "GET /environments HTTP/1.1" 200 14 0.0786 D, [2016-02-01T13:03:34.323148 #36625] DEBUG -- : close: :41170 D, [2016-02-01T13:03:34.369002 #36625] DEBUG -- : accept: :41172 D, [2016-02-01T13:03:34.371855 #36625] DEBUG -- : Rack::Handler::WEBrick is invoked. W, [2016-02-01T13:03:34.449721 #36625] WARN -- : No environments found - falling back to defaults (production - /etc/puppet/modules) D, [2016-02-01T13:03:34.450292 #36625] DEBUG -- : Running scan_directory on production: /etc/puppet/modules I, [2016-02-01T13:03:34.450720 #36625] INFO -- : - - [01/Feb/2016 13:03:34] "GET /environments/production/classes HTTP/1.1" 200 2 0.0785 D, [2016-02-01T13:03:34.493161 #36625] DEBUG -- : close: :41172