Usage: foreman-installer [OPTIONS] Options: = Generic: --reset-foreman-db Drop foreman database first? You will lose all data! Unfortunately we can't detect a failure at the moment so you should verify the success manually. e.g. dropping can fail when DB is currently in use. (default: false) --detailed-exitcodes Provide transaction information via exit codes, see puppet-agent(8) for full details. (default: false) --[no-]colors Use color output on STDOUT (default: true) --color-of-background COLOR Your terminal background is :bright or :dark (default: :dark) -d, --dont-save-answers Skip saving answers to '/etc/foreman/foreman-installer-answers.yaml'? (default: false) --ignore-undocumented Ignore inconsistent parameter documentation (default: false) -i, --interactive Run in interactive mode --log-level LEVEL Log level for log file output (default: :debug) -n, --noop Run puppet in noop mode? (default: false) -s, --skip-checks-i-know-better Skip all system checks (default: false) -v, --verbose Display log on STDOUT instead of progressbar -l, --verbose-log-level LEVEL Log level for verbose mode output (default: "info") -h, --help print help --full-help print complete help --[no-]enable-foreman Enable 'foreman' puppet module (default: true) --[no-]enable-foreman-proxy Enable 'foreman_proxy' puppet module (default: true) --[no-]enable-puppet Enable 'puppet' puppet module (default: true) = Module foreman: --foreman-admin-email E-mail address of the initial admin user (default: nil) --foreman-admin-first-name First name of the initial admin user (default: nil) --foreman-admin-last-name Last name of the initial admin user (default: nil) --foreman-admin-password Password of the initial admin user, default is randomly generated (default: "changeme") --foreman-admin-username Username for the initial admin user (default: "admin") --foreman-apipie-task Rake task to generate API documentation. Use 'apipie:cache' on 1.7 or older, 'apipie:cache:index' on 1.8 or newer. (default: "apipie:cache:index") --foreman-app-root Name of foreman root directory (default: "/usr/share/foreman") --foreman-authentication Enable user authentication. Initial credentials are set using admin_username and admin_password. (default: true) --foreman-configure-brightbox-repo Configure the Brightbox PPA for Ubuntu, providing updated Ruby and Passenger packages (default: false) --foreman-configure-epel-repo If disabled the EPEL repo will not be configured on RedHat family systems. (default: false) --foreman-configure-ipa-repo Enable custom yum repo with packages needed for external authentication via IPA, this may be needed on RHEL 6.5 and older. (default: false) --foreman-configure-scl-repo If disabled the SCL repo will not be configured on Red Hat clone systems. (Currently only installs repos for CentOS and Scientific) (default: false) --foreman-custom-repo No need to change anything here by default if set to true, no repo will be added by this module, letting you to set it to some custom location. (default: true) --foreman-db-adapter Database 'production' adapter (default: nil) --foreman-db-database Database 'production' database (e.g. foreman) (default: nil) --foreman-db-host Database 'production' host (default: nil) --foreman-db-manage if enabled, will install and configure the database server on this host (default: true) --foreman-db-password Database 'production' password (default is random) (default: "nYeBCm5Pwt6WMY5i7ARuW9BR7JeLvtkr") --foreman-db-pool Database 'production' size of connection pool (default: 5) --foreman-db-port Database 'production' port (default: nil) --foreman-db-sslmode Database 'production' ssl mode (default: nil) --foreman-db-type Database 'production' type (valid types: mysql/postgresql/sqlite) (default: "postgresql") --foreman-db-username Database 'production' user (e.g. foreman) (default: "foreman") --foreman-environment Rails environment of foreman (default: "cloudbox") --foreman-foreman-url URL on which foreman is going to run (default: "") --foreman-gpgcheck turn on/off gpg check in repo files (effective only on RedHat family systems) (default: true) --foreman-group Primary group for the Foreman user (default: "foreman") --foreman-http-keytab Path to keytab to be used for Kerberos authentication on the WebUI (default: "/etc/httpd/conf/http.keytab") --foreman-initial-location Name of an initial location (default: nil) --foreman-initial-organization Name of an initial organization (default: nil) --foreman-ipa-authentication Enable configuration for external authentication via IPA (default: false) --foreman-ipa-manage-sssd If ipa_authentication is true, should the installer manage SSSD? You can disable it if you use another module for SSSD configuration (default: true) --foreman-locations-enabled Enable locations? (default: false) --foreman-manage-user Controls whether foreman module will manage the user on the system. (default true) (default: true) --foreman-oauth-active Enable OAuth authentication for REST API (default: true) --foreman-oauth-consumer-key OAuth consumer key (default: "xGTSQo6isA9JTRu7927mAA2g5Xi9aJqY") --foreman-oauth-consumer-secret OAuth consumer secret (default: "ubjFivhauSXDnxBHZKBefryJJiCBMDN4") --foreman-oauth-map-users Should foreman use the foreman_user header to identify API user? (default: false) --foreman-organizations-enabled Enable organizations? (default: false) --foreman-pam-service PAM service used for host-based access control in IPA (default: "foreman") --foreman-passenger Configure foreman via apache and passenger (default: true) --foreman-passenger-interface Defines which network interface passenger should listen on, undef means all interfaces (default: nil) --foreman-passenger-min-instances Minimum passenger worker instances to keep when application is idle. (default: "1") --foreman-passenger-prestart Pre-start the first passenger worker instance process during httpd start. (default: true) --foreman-passenger-ruby Ruby interpreter used to run Foreman under Passenger (default: nil) --foreman-passenger-ruby-package Package to install to provide Passenger libraries for the active Ruby interpreter (default: nil) --foreman-passenger-start-timeout Amount of seconds to wait for Ruby application boot. (default: "600") --foreman-puppet-home Puppet home directory (default: "/var/lib/puppet") --foreman-repo This can be stable, nightly or a specific version i.e. 1.7 (default: "stable") --foreman-selinux when undef, foreman-selinux will be installed if SELinux is enabled setting to false/true will override this check (e.g. set to false on 1.1) (default: nil) --foreman-server-ssl-ca Defines Apache mod_ssl SSLCACertificateFile setting in Foreman vhost conf file. (default: "/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem") --foreman-server-ssl-cert Defines Apache mod_ssl SSLCertificateFile setting in Foreman vhost conf file. (default: "/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/") --foreman-server-ssl-chain Defines Apache mod_ssl SSLCertificateChainFile setting in Foreman vhost conf file. (default: "/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem") --foreman-server-ssl-crl Defines the Apache mod_ssl SSLCARevocationFile setting in Foreman vhost conf file. (default: "/var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crl.pem") --foreman-server-ssl-key Defines Apache mod_ssl SSLCertificateKeyFile setting in Foreman vhost conf file. (default: "/var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/") --foreman-servername Server name of the VirtualHost in the webserver (default: "") --foreman-ssl Enable and set require_ssl in Foreman settings (note: requires passenger, SSL does not apply to kickstarts) (default: true) --foreman-unattended Should foreman manage host provisioning as well (default: true) --foreman-use-vhost Enclose apache configuration in ... (default: true) --foreman-user User under which foreman will run (default: "foreman") --foreman-user-groups Additional groups for the Foreman user (default: ["puppet"]) --foreman-version foreman package version, it's passed to ensure parameter of package resource can be set to specific version number, 'latest', 'present' etc. (default: "present") --foreman-websockets-encrypt Whether to encrypt websocket connections (default: true) --foreman-websockets-ssl-cert SSL certificate file to use when encrypting websocket connections (default: "/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/") --foreman-websockets-ssl-key SSL key file to use when encrypting websocket connections (default: "/var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/") = Module foreman_proxy: --foreman-proxy-autosign-location Path to autosign configuration file (default: "/etc/puppet/autosign.conf") --foreman-proxy-bmc Enable BMC feature (default: false) --foreman-proxy-bmc-default-provider BMC default provider. (default: "ipmitool") --foreman-proxy-bmc-listen-on BMC proxy to listen on https, http, or both (default: "https") --foreman-proxy-custom-repo No need to change anything here by default if set to true, no repo will be added by this module, letting you to set it to some custom location. (default: true) --foreman-proxy-customrun-args Puppet customrun command arguments (default: "-ay -f -s") --foreman-proxy-customrun-cmd Puppet customrun command (default: "/bin/false") --foreman-proxy-dhcp Enable DHCP feature (default: false) --foreman-proxy-dhcp-config DHCP config file path (default: "/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf") --foreman-proxy-dhcp-gateway DHCP pool gateway (default: "") --foreman-proxy-dhcp-interface DHCP listen interface (default: "eth0") --foreman-proxy-dhcp-key-name DHCP key name (default: nil) --foreman-proxy-dhcp-key-secret DHCP password (default: nil) --foreman-proxy-dhcp-leases DHCP leases file (default: "/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases") --foreman-proxy-dhcp-listen-on DHCP proxy to listen on https, http, or both (default: "https") --foreman-proxy-dhcp-managed DHCP is managed by Foreman proxy (default: true) --foreman-proxy-dhcp-nameservers DHCP nameservers (default: "default") --foreman-proxy-dhcp-option-domain DHCP use the dhcpd config option domain-name (default: [""]) --foreman-proxy-dhcp-range Space-separated DHCP pool range (default: false) --foreman-proxy-dhcp-vendor DHCP vendor (default: "isc") --foreman-proxy-dir Foreman proxy install directory (default: "/usr/share/foreman-proxy") --foreman-proxy-dns Enable DNS feature (default: false) --foreman-proxy-dns-forwarders DNS forwarders (default: []) --foreman-proxy-dns-interface DNS interface (default: "eth0") --foreman-proxy-dns-listen-on DNS proxy to listen on https, http, or both (default: "https") --foreman-proxy-dns-managed DNS is managed by Foreman proxy (default: true) --foreman-proxy-dns-provider DNS provider (default: "nsupdate") --foreman-proxy-dns-reverse DNS reverse zone name (default: "") --foreman-proxy-dns-server Address of DNS server to manage (default: "") --foreman-proxy-dns-tsig-keytab Kerberos keytab for DNS updates using GSS-TSIG authentication (default: "/etc/foreman-proxy/dns.keytab") --foreman-proxy-dns-tsig-principal Kerberos principal for DNS updates using GSS-TSIG authentication (default: "foremanproxy/") --foreman-proxy-dns-ttl DNS d