module Host class Base < ApplicationRecord prepend Foreman::STI include Authorizable include Parameterizable::ByName include DestroyFlag include InterfaceCloning include Hostext::Ownership include Foreman::TelemetryHelper include Facets::BaseHostExtensions self.table_name = :hosts extend FriendlyId friendly_id :name validates_lengths_from_database belongs_to :model, :name_accessor => 'hardware_model_name' belongs_to :owner, :polymorphic => true has_many :fact_values, :dependent => :destroy, :foreign_key => :host_id has_many :fact_names, :through => :fact_values has_many :interfaces, -> { order(:identifier) }, :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :host, :class_name => 'Nic::Base', :foreign_key => :host_id has_one :primary_interface, -> { where(:primary => true) }, :class_name => 'Nic::Base', :foreign_key => 'host_id' has_one :provision_interface, -> { where(:provision => true) }, :class_name => 'Nic::Base', :foreign_key => 'host_id' has_one :domain, :through => :primary_interface has_one :subnet, :through => :primary_interface has_one :subnet6, :through => :primary_interface accepts_nested_attributes_for :interfaces, :allow_destroy => true belongs_to :location belongs_to :organization belongs_to :hostgroup alias_attribute :hostname, :name validates :name, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true, :format => {:with => Net::Validations::HOST_REGEXP, :message => _(Net::Validations::HOST_REGEXP_ERR_MSG)} validate :host_has_required_interfaces validate :uniq_interfaces_identifiers validate :build_managed_only include PxeLoaderSuggestion default_scope -> { where(taxonomy_conditions) } def self.taxonomy_conditions org = Organization.expand(Organization.current) if SETTINGS[:organizations_enabled] loc = Location.expand(Location.current) if SETTINGS[:locations_enabled] conditions = {} conditions[:organization_id] = Array(org).map { |o| o.subtree_ids }.flatten.uniq unless org.nil? conditions[:location_id] = Array(loc).map { |l| l.subtree_ids }.flatten.uniq unless loc.nil? conditions end scope :no_location, -> { rewhere(:location_id => nil) } scope :no_organization, -> { rewhere(:organization_id => nil) } delegate :ssh_authorized_keys, :to => :owner, :allow_nil => true delegate :notification_recipients_ids, :to => :owner, :allow_nil => true PRIMARY_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTES = [:name, :ip, :ip6, :mac, :subnet, :subnet_id, :subnet_name, :subnet6, :subnet6_id, :subnet6_name, :domain, :domain_id, :domain_name, :lookup_values_attributes].freeze # primary interface is mandatory because of delegated methods so we build it if it's missing # similar for provision interface # we can't set name attribute until we have primary interface so we don't pass it to super # initializer and we set name when we are sure that we have primary interface # we can't create primary interface before calling super because args may contain nested # interface attributes def initialize(*args) values_for_primary_interface = {} build_values_for_primary_interface!(values_for_primary_interface, args) super(*args) build_required_interfaces update_primary_interface_attributes(values_for_primary_interface) end def dup super.tap do |host| host.interfaces << self.primary_interface.dup if self.primary_interface.present? end end delegate :ip, :ip6, :mac, :subnet, :subnet_id, :subnet_name, :subnet6, :subnet6_id, :subnet6_name, :domain, :domain_id, :domain_name, :hostname, :fqdn, :shortname, :to => :primary_interface, :allow_nil => true delegate :name=, :ip=, :ip6=, :mac=, :subnet=, :subnet_id=, :subnet_name=, :subnet6=, :subnet6_id=, :subnet6_name=, :domain=, :domain_id=, :domain_name=, :to => :primary_interface attr_writer :updated_virtuals def updated_virtuals @updated_virtuals ||= [] end def self.attributes_protected_by_default super - [ inheritance_column ] end def self.import_host(hostname, certname = nil) raise("Invalid Hostname, must be a String")) unless hostname.is_a?(String) # downcase everything hostname.try(:downcase!) certname.try(:downcase!) host = Host.find_by_certname(certname) if certname.present? host ||= Host.find_by_name(hostname) host ||= => hostname) # if no host was found, build a new one # if we were given a certname but found the Host by hostname we should update the certname # this also sets certname for newly created hosts host.certname = certname if certname.present? host end def create_new_host_when_facts_are_uploaded? Setting[:create_new_host_when_facts_are_uploaded] end # expect a facts hash def import_facts(facts, source_proxy = nil) return false if !create_new_host_when_facts_are_uploaded? && new_record? # we are not importing facts for hosts in build state (e.g. waiting for a re-installation) raise'Host is pending for Build') if build? facts = facts.with_indifferent_access facts[:domain] = facts[:domain].downcase if facts[:domain].present? type = facts.delete(:_type) importer = FactImporter.importer_for(type).new(self, facts) telemetry_observe_histogram(:importer_facts_import_duration, facts.size, type: type) telemetry_duration_histogram(:importer_facts_import_duration, 1000, type: type) do importer.import! end save(:validate => false) parse_facts facts, type, source_proxy end def parse_facts(facts, type, source_proxy) time = facts[:_timestamp] time = time.to_time if time.is_a?(String) self.last_compile = time if time unless build? parser = FactParser.parser_for(type).new(facts) telemetry_duration_histogram(:importer_facts_import_duration, 1000, type: type) do populate_fields_from_facts(parser, type, source_proxy) end end set_taxonomies(facts) # we are saving here with no validations, as we want this process to be as fast # as possible, assuming we already have all the right settings in Foreman. # If we don't (e.g. we never install the server via Foreman, we populate the fields from facts # TODO: if it was installed by Foreman and there is a mismatch, # we should probably send out an alert. save(:validate => false) end def attributes_to_import_from_facts [ :model ] end def populate_fields_from_facts(parser, type, source_proxy) # we must create interface if it's missing so we can store domain build_required_interfaces(:managed => false) set_non_empty_values(parser, attributes_to_import_from_facts) set_interfaces(parser) if parser.parse_interfaces? end def set_non_empty_values(parser, methods) methods.each do |attr| value = parser.send(attr) self.send("#{attr}=", value) if value.present? end end def set_interfaces(parser) # if host has no information in primary interface we try to match it and update it # instead of creating new interface, suggested primary interface mac and identifier # is saved to primary interface so we match it in updating code below if !self.managed? && self.primary_interface.mac.blank? && self.primary_interface.identifier.blank? identifier, values = parser.suggested_primary_interface(self) self.primary_interface.mac = Net::Validations.normalize_mac(values[:macaddress]) if values.present? self.primary_interface.update_attribute(:identifier, identifier)! end changed_count = 0 parser.interfaces.each do |name, attributes| iface = get_interface_scope(name, attributes).try(:first) || interface_class(name).new(:managed => false) # create or update existing interface changed_count += 1 if set_interface(attributes, name, iface) end ipmi = parser.ipmi_interface if ipmi.present? existing = self.interfaces.find_by(:mac => ipmi[:macaddress], :type => iface = existing || => false) iface.provider ||= 'IPMI' changed_count += 1 if set_interface(ipmi, 'ipmi', iface) end telemetry_increment_counter(:importer_facts_count_interfaces, changed_count, type: parser.class_name_humanized) self.interfaces.reload end def facts_hash hash = {} fact_values.includes(:fact_name).collect do |fact| hash[] = fact.value end hash end alias_method :facts, :facts_hash def ==(comparison_object) super || comparison_object.is_a?(Host::Base) && id.present? && == id end def set_taxonomies(facts) ['location', 'organization'].each do |taxonomy| next unless SETTINGS["#{taxonomy.pluralize}_enabled".to_sym] taxonomy_class = taxonomy.classify.constantize taxonomy_fact = Setting["#{taxonomy}_fact"] if taxonomy_fact.present? && facts.key?(taxonomy_fact) taxonomy_from_fact = taxonomy_class.find_by_title(facts[taxonomy_fact].to_s) else default_taxonomy = taxonomy_class.find_by_title(Setting["default_#{taxonomy}"]) end if self.send(taxonomy.to_s).present? # Change taxonomy to fact taxonomy if set, otherwise leave it as is self.send("#{taxonomy}=", taxonomy_from_fact) unless taxonomy_from_fact.nil? else # No taxonomy was set, set to fact taxonomy or default taxonomy self.send "#{taxonomy}=", (taxonomy_from_fact || default_taxonomy) end end end def overwrite? @overwrite ||= false end # We have to coerce the value back to boolean. It is not done for us by the framework. def overwrite=(value) @overwrite = value.to_s == "true" end def primary_interface get_interface_by_flag(:primary) end def provision_interface get_interface_by_flag(:provision) end def managed_interfaces self.interfaces.managed.is_managed.all end def bond_interfaces self.interfaces.bonds.is_managed.all end def bridge_interfaces self.interfaces.bridges.is_managed.all end def interfaces_with_identifier(identifiers) self.interfaces.is_managed.where(:identifier => identifiers).all end def reload(*args) drop_primary_interface_cache drop_provision_interface_cache super end def becomes(*args) became = super became.drop_primary_interface_cache became.drop_provision_interface_cache became.interfaces = self.interfaces became end def drop_primary_interface_cache @primary_interface = nil end def drop_provision_interface_cache @provision_interface = nil end def matching? missing_ids.empty? end def missing_ids Array.wrap(tax_location.try(:missing_ids)) + Array.wrap(tax_organization.try(:missing_ids)) end def import_missing_ids tax_location.import_missing_ids if location tax_organization.import_missing_ids if organization end # Provide _id aliases for consistency with the _name methods alias_attribute :hardware_model_id, :model_id def lookup_value_match "fqdn=#{fqdn || name}" end # we must also clone interfaces objects so we can detect their attribute changes # method is public because it's used when we run orchestration from interface side def setup_clone return if new_record? @old = super { |clone| clone.interfaces = {|i| setup_object_clone(i) } } end def skip_orchestration? false end def orchestrated? self.class.included_modules.include?(Orchestration) end def render_template(template:, **params) template.render(host: self, **params) end private def parse_ip_address(address) # This works around and strips off # the interface identifier if present begin addr = rescue IPAddr::InvalidAddressError if iface.ip6.is_a?(String) && address.include?('%') addr ='%').first) else logger.warn "Ignoring invalid IP address #{address}" return nil end end addr.link_local? ? nil : addr.to_s end def build_values_for_primary_interface!(values_for_primary_interface, args) new_attrs = args.shift unless new_attrs.nil? new_attrs = new_attrs.with_indifferent_access values_for_primary_interface[:name] = unless new_attrs.has_key?(:name) PRIMARY_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTES.each do |attr| values_for_primary_interface[attr] = new_attrs.delete(attr) if new_attrs.has_key?(attr) end model_name = new_attrs.delete(:model_name) new_attrs[:hardware_model_name] = model_name if model_name.present? args.unshift(new_attrs) end end def update_primary_interface_attributes(attrs) attrs.each do |name, value| self.send "#{name}=", value end end def tax_location return nil unless location_id @tax_location ||=, self) end def tax_organization return nil unless organization_id @tax_organization ||=, self) end def build_required_interfaces(attrs = {}) if self.primary_interface.nil? if self.interfaces.empty? => true, :type => 'Nic::Managed')) else interface = self.interfaces.first interface.attributes = attrs interface.primary = true end end self.primary_interface.provision = true if self.provision_interface.nil? end def get_interface_scope(name, attributes, base = self.interfaces) case interface_class(name).to_s # we search bonds based on identifiers, e.g. ubuntu sets random MAC after each reboot se we can't # rely on mac when 'Nic::Bond', 'Nic::Bridge' base.virtual.where(:identifier => name) # for other interfaces we distinguish between virtual and physical interfaces # for virtual devices we don't check only mac address since it's not unique, # if we want to update the device it must have same identifier else begin macaddress = Net::Validations.normalize_mac(attributes[:macaddress]) rescue Net::Validations::Error logger.debug "invalid mac during parsing: #{attributes[:macaddress]}" end mac_based = base.where(:mac => macaddress) if attributes[:virtual] mac_based.virtual.where(:identifier => name) elsif mac_based.physical.any? mac_based.physical elsif !self.managed # Unmanaged host's interfaces are just used for reporting, so overwrite based on identifier first base.where(:identifier => name) end end end def update_bonds(iface, name, attributes) bond_interfaces.each do |bond| next unless bond.children_mac_addresses.include?(attributes['macaddress']) next if bond.attached_devices_identifiers.include? name update_bond bond, iface, name end end def update_bond(bond, iface, name) if iface&.identifier bond.remove_device(iface.identifier) bond.add_device(name) logger.debug "Updating bond #{bond.identifier}, id #{}: removing #{iface.identifier}, adding #{name} to attached interfaces" save_updated_bond bond end end def save_updated_bond(bond)! rescue StandardError => e logger.warn "Saving #{bond.identifier} NIC for host #{} failed, skipping because #{e.message}:" bond.errors.full_messages.each { |e| logger.warn " #{e}" } end def set_interface(attributes, name, iface) # update bond.attached_interfaces when interface is in the list and identifier has changed update_bonds(iface, name, attributes) if iface.identifier != name && !iface.virtual? && iface.persisted? attributes = attributes.clone iface.mac = attributes.delete(:macaddress) iface.ip = parse_ip_address(attributes.delete(:ipaddress)) iface.ip6 = parse_ip_address(attributes.delete(:ipaddress6)) keep_subnet = attributes.delete(:keep_subnet) if Setting[:update_subnets_from_facts] && !keep_subnet iface.subnet = Subnet.subnet_for(iface.ip) if iface.ip_changed? && !iface.matches_subnet?(:ip, :subnet) iface.subnet6 = Subnet.subnet_for(iface.ip6) if iface.ip6_changed? && !iface.matches_subnet?(:ip6, :subnet6) end iface.virtual = attributes.delete(:virtual) || false iface.tag = attributes.delete(:tag) || '' iface.attached_to = attributes.delete(:attached_to) if attributes[:attached_to].present? = attributes.delete(:link) if attributes.has_key?(:link) iface.identifier = name = self update_virtuals(iface.identifier_was, name) if iface.identifier_changed? && !iface.virtual? && iface.persisted? && iface.identifier_was.present? iface.attrs = attributes if iface.new_record? || iface.changed? logger.debug "Saving #{name} NIC for host #{}" result = iface.save_without_auditing unless result logger.warn "Saving #{name} NIC for host #{} failed, skipping because:" iface.errors.full_messages.each { |e| logger.warn " #{e}" } end result end end def update_virtuals(old, new) self.updated_virtuals ||= [] self.interfaces.where(:attached_to => old).virtual.each do |virtual_interface| next if self.updated_virtuals.include?( # may have been already renamed by another physical virtual_interface.attached_to = new virtual_interface.identifier = virtual_interface.identifier.sub(old, new)! self.updated_virtuals.push( end end def interface_class(name) case name when FactParser::BONDS Nic::Bond when FactParser::BRIDGES Nic::Bridge else Nic::Managed end end # we can't use SQL query for new records, because interfaces may not exist yet def get_interface_by_flag(flag) if self.new_record? self.interfaces.detect(&flag) else cache = "@#{flag}_interface" if (result = instance_variable_get(cache)) result else # we can't use SQL, we need to get even unsaved objects interface = self.interfaces.detect(&flag) = self if interface && !interface.destroyed? # inverse_of does not help (STI), but ignore this on deletion instance_variable_set(cache, interface) end end end # we require primary interface so have know the name of host # provision is required only for managed host and defaults to primary def host_has_required_interfaces check_primary_interface check_provision_interface if self.managed? end def check_primary_interface if self.primary_interface.nil? errors.add :interfaces, _("host must have one primary interface") end end def check_provision_interface if self.provision_interface.nil? errors.add :interfaces, _("managed host must have one provision interface") end end # we can't use standard unique validation on interface since we can't properly handle :scope => :host_id # for new hosts host_id does not exist at that moment, validation would work only for persisted records def uniq_interfaces_identifiers success = true identifiers = [] relevant_interfaces = { |i| !i.marked_for_destruction? } relevant_interfaces.each do |interface| next if interface.identifier.blank? if identifiers.include?(interface.identifier) interface.errors.add :identifier, :taken success = false end identifiers.push(interface.identifier) end errors.add(:interfaces, _('some interfaces are invalid')) unless success success end def build_managed_only if !managed? && build? errors.add(:build, _('cannot be enabled for an unmanaged host')) end end def password_base64_encrypted? if root_pass_changed? root_pass == hostgroup.try(:read_attribute, :root_pass) else true end end end end require_dependency 'host/managed'