[vagrant@centos8-katello-devel-stable foreman]$ bundle exec foreman start 10:47:49 rails.1 | started with pid 6021 10:47:49 webpack.1 | started with pid 6022 10:47:50 rails.1 | [6023] Puma starting in cluster mode... 10:47:50 rails.1 | [6023] * Puma version: 5.6.5 (ruby 2.7.6-p219) ("Birdie's Version") 10:47:50 rails.1 | [6023] * Min threads: 0 10:47:50 rails.1 | [6023] * Max threads: 5 10:47:50 rails.1 | [6023] * Environment: development 10:47:50 rails.1 | [6023] * Master PID: 6023 10:47:50 rails.1 | [6023] * Workers: 2 10:47:50 rails.1 | [6023] * Restarts: (✔) hot (✖) phased 10:47:50 rails.1 | [6023] * Preloading application 10:47:52 webpack.1 | Project is running at https://centos8-katello-devel-stable.example.com/ 10:47:52 webpack.1 | webpack output is served from /webpack/ 10:47:52 rails.1 | [fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Google::Compute 10:47:52 rails.1 | [fog][DEPRECATION] Falling back to deprecated constant Fog::Compute::Google. The preferred format of service provider constants has changed from service::provider to provider::service. Please update this service provider to use the preferred format. 10:47:52 rails.1 | [fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Google::DNS 10:47:52 rails.1 | [fog][DEPRECATION] Falling back to deprecated constant Fog::DNS::Google. The preferred format of service provider constants has changed from service::provider to provider::service. Please update this service provider to use the preferred format. 10:47:52 rails.1 | [fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Google::Storage 10:47:52 rails.1 | [fog][DEPRECATION] Falling back to deprecated constant Fog::Storage::Google. The preferred format of service provider constants has changed from service::provider to provider::service. Please update this service provider to use the preferred format. 10:47:52 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:47:52 [I|app|] Rails cache backend: File 10:47:52 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:47:52 [W|app|] You are trying to replace import_subnets from . Adding allowed actions from plugin permissions to the existing one. 10:47:52 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:47:52 [W|app|] DEPRECATION WARNING: You are using a deprecated behavior, it will be removed in version 3.3, initial value of setting 'instance_id' should be created in a migration (called from block in load_definitions at /home/vagrant/foreman/app/services/setting_registry.rb:131) 10:47:52 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:47:52 [W|app|] WARNING: Pry will not work with foreman gem, use script/foreman-start-dev 10:47:52 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:47:52 [D|app|] Slow initializers: 10:47:52 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:47:52 [D|app|] 114.11 ./config/initializers/foreman_register.rb 10:47:53 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:47:53 [D|app|] Registering 4 assets for plugin foreman-tasks precompilation 10:47:53 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:47:53 [W|app|] DEPRECATION WARNING: Initialization autoloaded the constants Net::Validations, SettingRegistry, HiddenValue, SettingPresenter, Foreman::Deprecation, SettingSelectCollection, MediumProviders, MediumProviders::Provider, MediumProviders::Default, Foreman::TelemetryHelper, Actions, and Actions::ObservableAction. 10:47:53 rails.1 | | 10:47:53 rails.1 | | Being able to do this is deprecated. Autoloading during initialization is going 10:47:53 rails.1 | | to be an error condition in future versions of Rails. 10:47:53 rails.1 | | 10:47:53 rails.1 | | Reloading does not reboot the application, and therefore code executed during 10:47:53 rails.1 | | initialization does not run again. So, if you reload Net::Validations, for example, 10:47:53 rails.1 | | the expected changes won't be reflected in that stale Module object. 10:47:53 rails.1 | | 10:47:53 rails.1 | | `config.autoloader` is set to `classic`. These autoloaded constants would have been unloaded if `config.autoloader` had been set to `:zeitwerk`. 10:47:53 rails.1 | | 10:47:53 rails.1 | | In order to autoload safely at boot time, please wrap your code in a reloader 10:47:53 rails.1 | | callback this way: 10:47:53 rails.1 | | 10:47:53 rails.1 | | Rails.application.reloader.to_prepare do 10:47:53 rails.1 | | # Autoload classes and modules needed at boot time here. 10:47:53 rails.1 | | end 10:47:53 rails.1 | | 10:47:53 rails.1 | | That block runs when the application boots, and every time there is a reload. 10:47:53 rails.1 | | For historical reasons, it may run twice, so it has to be idempotent. 10:47:53 rails.1 | | 10:47:53 rails.1 | | Check the "Autoloading and Reloading Constants" guide to learn more about how 10:47:53 rails.1 | | Rails autoloads and reloads. 10:47:53 rails.1 | | (called from block in run at /home/vagrant/foreman/config/initializers/0_print_time_spent.rb:45) 10:47:53 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:47:53 [W|app|] Setting host_tasks_workers_pool_size has no definition, please define it before using 10:47:53 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:47:53 [W|app|] Setting remote_execution_workers_pool_size has no definition, please define it before using 10:47:53 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:47:53 [D|app|] Registering 6 assets for plugin foreman_remote_execution precompilation 10:47:53 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:47:53 [W|app|] Creating scope :exportable. Overwriting existing method Katello::Repository.exportable. 10:47:54 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:47:54 [W|app|] Creating scope :completer_scope. Overwriting existing method Organization.completer_scope. 10:47:55 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:47:55 [D|app|] Registering 97 assets for plugin katello precompilation 10:47:55 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:47:55 [W|app|] Creating scope :completer_scope. Overwriting existing method Location.completer_scope. 10:47:56 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:47:56 [W|app|] Creating scope :execution_scope. Overwriting existing method Host::Managed.execution_scope. 10:47:56 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:47:56 [W|app|] DEPRECATION WARNING: You are using a deprecated behavior, it will be removed in version 3.3, initial value of setting 'instance_id' should be created in a migration (called from block in load_definitions at /home/vagrant/foreman/app/services/setting_registry.rb:131) 10:47:59 rails.1 | /home/vagrant/katello/app/services/katello/host_status_manager.rb:3: warning: already initialized constant Katello::HostStatusManager::STATUSES 10:47:59 rails.1 | /home/vagrant/katello/app/services/katello/host_status_manager.rb:3: warning: previous definition of STATUSES was here 10:47:59 rails.1 | /home/vagrant/katello/app/services/katello/host_status_manager.rb:13: warning: already initialized constant Katello::HostStatusManager::PURPOSE_STATUS 10:47:59 rails.1 | /home/vagrant/katello/app/services/katello/host_status_manager.rb:13: warning: previous definition of PURPOSE_STATUS was here 10:48:01 rails.1 | /home/vagrant/foreman/lib/foreman/force_ssl.rb:3: warning: already initialized constant Foreman::ForceSsl::UNATTENTED_PATHS 10:48:01 rails.1 | /home/vagrant/foreman/lib/foreman/force_ssl.rb:3: warning: previous definition of UNATTENTED_PATHS was here 10:48:01 rails.1 | /home/vagrant/foreman/lib/foreman/gettext/debug.rb:7: warning: already initialized constant Foreman::Gettext::Debug::DL 10:48:01 rails.1 | /home/vagrant/foreman/lib/foreman/gettext/debug.rb:7: warning: previous definition of DL was here 10:48:01 rails.1 | /home/vagrant/foreman/lib/foreman/gettext/debug.rb:8: warning: already initialized constant Foreman::Gettext::Debug::DR 10:48:01 rails.1 | /home/vagrant/foreman/lib/foreman/gettext/debug.rb:8: warning: previous definition of DR was here 10:48:01 rails.1 | /home/vagrant/foreman/lib/foreman/logging.rb:292: warning: already initialized constant Foreman::Logging 10:48:01 rails.1 | /home/vagrant/foreman/lib/foreman/logging.rb:292: warning: previous definition of Logging was here 10:48:01 rails.1 | /home/vagrant/foreman/lib/foreman/provision.rb:2: warning: already initialized constant Foreman::Provision::PXE_TEMPLATE_KINDS 10:48:01 rails.1 | /home/vagrant/foreman/lib/foreman/provision.rb:2: warning: previous definition of PXE_TEMPLATE_KINDS was here 10:48:01 rails.1 | /home/vagrant/foreman/lib/foreman/telemetry.rb:15: warning: already initialized constant Foreman::Telemetry::DEFAULT_BUCKETS 10:48:01 rails.1 | /home/vagrant/foreman/lib/foreman/telemetry.rb:15: warning: previous definition of DEFAULT_BUCKETS was here 10:48:01 rails.1 | /home/vagrant/foreman/lib/foreman/telemetry.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant Foreman::Telemetry::GC_METRICS 10:48:01 rails.1 | /home/vagrant/foreman/lib/foreman/telemetry.rb:42: warning: previous definition of GC_METRICS was here 10:48:01 rails.1 | /home/vagrant/foreman/lib/foreman/telemetry_sinks/prometheus_sink.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant Foreman::TelemetrySinks::PrometheusSink::PROMETHEUS_STORE_DIR 10:48:01 rails.1 | /home/vagrant/foreman/lib/foreman/telemetry_sinks/prometheus_sink.rb:4: warning: previous definition of PROMETHEUS_STORE_DIR was here 10:48:02 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:48:02 [W|app|] Scoped order is ignored, it's forced to be batch order. 10:48:03 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:48:03 [W|app|] Scoped order is ignored, it's forced to be batch order. 10:48:04 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:48:04 [W|app|] Scoped order is ignored, it's forced to be batch order. 10:48:04 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:48:04 [I|app|] No new seed file updates found. Skipping 10:48:05 rails.1 | [6023] * Listening on 10:48:05 rails.1 | [6023] Use Ctrl-C to stop 10:48:05 rails.1 | [6023] - Worker 1 (PID: 6060) booted in 0.0s, phase: 0 10:48:05 rails.1 | [6023] - Worker 0 (PID: 6059) booted in 0.01s, phase: 0 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 1605 modules 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/components/TypeAhead/TypeAhead.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'downshift' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/components/TypeAhead' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/common_index.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'ngreact' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/components/Table/TableWrapper.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/components/Table' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/AlternateContentSources/Create/Steps/ACSCreateFinish.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/AlternateContentSources/Create/Steps' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/AlternateContentSources/Details/ACSExpandableDetails.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/AlternateContentSources/Details' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/AlternateContentSources/Details/EditModals/ACSEditProducts.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/AlternateContentSources/Details/EditModals' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/AlternateContentSources/Details/EditModals/ACSEditSmartProxies.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/AlternateContentSources/Details/EditModals' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Copy/CopyContentViewForm.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Copy' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Create/CreateContentViewForm.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Create' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Delete/ContentViewDeleteWizard.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Delete' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Delete/Steps/CVDeletionFinish.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Delete/Steps' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Delete/Steps/CVDeletionReassignHostsForm.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Delete/Steps' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Delete/Steps/CVDeletionReassignActivationKeysForm.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Delete/Steps' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/ComponentContentViews/ContentViewComponents.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/ComponentContentViews' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters/ContentViewFilterDetails.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters/ContentViewFilters.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters/CVDebFilterContent.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters/CVContainerImageFilterContent.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters/CVErrataIDFilterContent.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters/CVModuleStreamFilterContent.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters/CVRpmFilterContent.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters/CVPackageGroupFilterContent.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters/Add/CVFilterAddModal.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters/Add' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters/AffectedRepositories/AffectedRepositoryTable.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters/AffectedRepositories' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters/Rules/DebPackage/AddEditDebPackageRuleModal.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters/Rules/DebPackage' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters/Rules/Package/AddEditPackageRuleModal.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Filters/Rules/Package' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Promote/ContentViewVersionPromote.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Promote' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Repositories/ContentViewRepositories.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Repositories' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Versions/BulkDelete/Steps/ReassignHosts.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Versions/BulkDelete/Steps' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Versions/BulkDelete/Steps/ReassignActivationKeys.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Versions/BulkDelete/Steps' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Versions/BulkDelete/Steps/FinishBulkDelete.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Versions/BulkDelete/Steps' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Versions/Delete/RemoveSteps/CVReassignActivationKeysForm.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Versions/Delete/RemoveSteps' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Versions/Delete/RemoveSteps/CVReassignHostsForm.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Versions/Delete/RemoveSteps' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Versions/Delete/RemoveSteps/CVVersionDeleteFinish.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Versions/Delete/RemoveSteps' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Versions/Delete/RemoveSteps/CVEnvironmentSelectionForm.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Details/Versions/Delete/RemoveSteps' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Publish/CVPublishFinish.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/Publish' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/components/CVBreadCrumb.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/ContentViews/components' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | 10:48:43 webpack.1 | ERROR in ../katello/webpack/scenes/SmartProxy/SmartProxyContentTable.js 10:48:43 webpack.1 | Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'use-deep-compare-effect' in '/home/vagrant/katello/webpack/scenes/SmartProxy' 10:48:43 webpack.1 | webpack: Failed to compile. 10:48:46 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:48:46 [I|app|402f7af1] Started GET "/" for at 2022-09-07 10:48:46 +0000 10:48:46 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:48:46 [I|app|402f7af1] Katello event daemon started process=6060 10:48:47 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:48:47 [I|app|402f7af1] Subscribed to katello.candlepin.candlepin_events 10:48:47 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:48:47 [I|app|402f7af1] Processing by DashboardController#index as HTML 10:48:47 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:48:47 [I|app|402f7af1] Redirected to 10:48:47 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:48:47 [I|app|402f7af1] Filter chain halted as :require_login rendered or redirected 10:48:47 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:48:47 [I|app|402f7af1] Completed 302 Found in 57ms (ActiveRecord: 31.8ms | Allocations: 21592) 10:48:47 rails.1 | 402f7af1 | 10:48:47 rails.1 | 402f7af1 | 10:48:47 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:48:47 [I|kat|402f7af1] Polling Katello Event Queue 10:48:47 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:48:47 [I|app|fb4bcb84] Started GET "/users/login" for at 2022-09-07 10:48:47 +0000 10:48:47 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:48:47 [I|app|fb4bcb84] Processing by UsersController#login as HTML 10:48:47 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:48:47 [D|app|fb4bcb84] Rendering layout layouts/login.html.erb 10:48:47 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:48:47 [D|app|fb4bcb84] Rendering users/login.html.erb within layouts/login 10:49:05 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:49:05 [D|app|fb4bcb84] Rendered common/_login.html.erb (Duration: 2.6ms | Allocations: 299) 10:49:05 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:49:05 [I|app|fb4bcb84] Rendered users/login.html.erb within layouts/login (Duration: 18235.1ms | Allocations: 12904974) 10:49:05 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:49:05 [D|app|fb4bcb84] Rendering layouts/base.html.erb 10:49:05 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:49:05 [I|app|fb4bcb84] Rendered layouts/base.html.erb (Duration: 314.3ms | Allocations: 71465) 10:49:05 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:49:05 [I|app|fb4bcb84] Rendered layout layouts/login.html.erb (Duration: 18553.2ms | Allocations: 12977428) 10:49:05 rails.1 | 2022-09-07T10:49:05 [I|app|fb4bcb84] Completed 200 OK in 18564ms (Views: 18557.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.6ms | Allocations: 12979742) 10:49:05 rails.1 | fb4bcb84 | 10:49:05 rails.1 | fb4bcb84 |