database: foreman Status Migration ID Migration Name -------------------------------------------------- up 20090714132448 Create hosts up 20090714132449 Add audits table up 20090715143858 Create architectures up 20090717025820 Create media up 20090718060746 Create domains up 20090718064254 Create subnets up 20090720134126 Create operatingsystems up 20090722140138 Create models up 20090722141107 Create environmentsforeman puppet up 20090729132209 Create reports up 20090730152224 Create ptables up 20090802062223 Create puppetclassesforeman puppet up 20090804130144 Create parameters up 20090820130541 Create auth sources up 20090905150131 Create hostgroups up 20090905150132 Create hostgroups puppetclassesforeman puppet up 20090905155444 Add type to parameter up 20090907045751 Add domain to parameter up 20090915030726 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20090916053824 Change host build default to false up 20090920043521 Add index to host up 20090920064156 Add index to parameters up 20090920065522 Add index to reports up 20091012135004 Create users up 20091016031017 Create sessions up 20091022054108 Add status to report up 20091214045923 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20091219132338 Create lookup keys up 20091219132839 Create lookup values up 20100115021803 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20100310080727 Add family to os up 20100325142616 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20100414125652 Add releasename to os up 20100416124600 Create usergroups up 20100419151910 Add owner to hosts up 20100523114430 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20100523141204 Create media operatingsystems and migrate data up 20100524080302 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20100525094200 Simplify parameters up 20100601221000 Update os minor up 20100616114400 Change family in os up 20100625155400 Create notices up 20100628123400 Add internal auth up 20100629093200 Create roles up 20100701081235 Add user domains and hostgroups up 20100822072954 Create user facts up 20100823181036 Add enabled to hosts up 20100914092104 Add my booleans to user up 20101018120548 Create messages up 20101018120603 Create sources up 20101018120621 Create logs up 20101019122857 Add metrics to report up 20101019183859 Convert reports up 20101103150254 Add owned filter to user up 20101118130026 Correct media up 20101121080425 Create config templates up 20101121135521 Create template combinations up 20101121140000 Add environment to template combinationsforeman puppet up 20101122132041 Create operatingsystems config templates up 20101123152150 Create template kinds up 20101123153303 Create os default templates up 20101125153351 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20101130093613 Add sub systems to subnet up 20101130100315 Create proxies up 20101202104444 Add proxy to domain up 20101213085232 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20110117162722 Add host group defaults up 20110128130239 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20110213104226 Create proxy features up 20110216101848 Change puppetmaster column up 20110301154453 Add managed to hosts up 20110321070954 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20110327123639 Add priority to parameter up 20110404150043 Add media path to medium up 20110407091150 Add image to host up 20110412103238 Remove unused fields from puppet classesforeman puppet up 20110417102947 Add table bookmarks up 20110420150600 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20110613141800 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20110616080444 Add look up key id to puppet class up 20110617190131 Add sparc info to model up 20110619130336 Add ancestry to hostgroup up 20110628115422 Create settings up 20110712064120 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20110712070522 Create host classforeman puppet up 20110725142054 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20110801090318 Add vm defaults to hostgroup up 20110803114134 Add subnet and domain to host groups up 20111124095053 Rename changes to audited changes up 20111124095054 Add remote address to audits up 20111124095055 Rename parent to association up 20111205231500 Add gateway and dns to subnets up 20111227095806 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20120102071633 Add from and to ranges to subnets up 20120110113051 Create subnet domain up 20120122131037 Create compute resources up 20120126113850 Add uuid and compute id to host up 20120127141602 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20120311081257 Create nics up 20120313081913 Add puppet master proxy to host and host group up 20120502105518 Update report field to large int up 20120506143325 Create images up 20120509131302 Add cert name to host up 20120510113417 Create key pairs up 20120521142924 Add dns id to subnet up 20120523065531 Add image id to host up 20120529113900 Add user compute resources up 20120529115814 Add compute resources boolean to user up 20120604114049 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20120607074318 Convert params to text up 20120612070100 Change bookmark column to text up 20120613082125 Rename association to associated up 20120620124658 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20120620124659 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20120621135042 Create taxonomies up 20120623002052 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20120624081510 Add auditable name and associated name to audit up 20120624093958 Add os family to media up 20120624094034 Add os family to ptable up 20120705130038 Add attributes to compute resources up 20120824142048 Add some indexesforeman puppet up 20120905095532 Create environment classesforeman puppet up 20120905131841 Add lookup keys override and required up 20120916080843 Add lookup values count to lookup keys up 20120916080926 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20120921000313 Add iam role to images up 20120921105349 Create tokens up 20120927020752 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20121003172526 Add taxonomy ids to hosts up 20121011115320 Change domain character count up 20121012170851 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20121012170936 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20121015113502 Update media path limit up 20121018152459 Create hostgroup classesforeman puppet up 20121026160433 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20121029164911 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20121101141448 Add locations organizations up 20121118120028 Migrate hypervisors to compute resources up 20121118125341 Create taxable taxonomies up 20121119102104 Add my taxonomy to user up 20121210214810 Add subscribe to all hostgroups to users up 20121218084123 Change smart variable length up 20121219040534 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20130109155024 Add ignore types to taxonomy up 20130121130826 Add digest to messages up 20130211160200 Add sti to hosts up 20130228145456 Add digest to sources up 20130329195742 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20130409081924 Add label to host group up 20130417110127 Add sti to settings up 20130418134513 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20130419145808 Add id to user hostgroup up 20130430150500 Add locale to users up 20130520152000 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20130520161514 Add unique constraint to fact name up 20130523131455 Add unique constraints to fact values up 20130530061844 Change column lengths up 20130625113217 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20130725081334 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20130804131949 Add public to key pairs up 20130813105054 Change compute resource password to text up 20130814132531 Add ldap filter to auth sources up 20130908100439 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20130908170524 Add keys up 20130924145800 Remove unused role fields up 20131003143143 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20131014133347 Add compose flag and short name to fact name up 20131017142515 Allow null values on fact value up 20131021125612 Add type to fact name up 20131021152315 Change name index on fact name up 20131023140100 Add provisioners up 20131025180600 Add provisioners hostgroup up 20131028161000 Add provisioners domain up 20131104132542 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20131107094849 Add ancestry to fact names up 20131114084718 Extend user role up 20131114094841 Create cached user roles up 20131122093940 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20131122150434 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20131122170726 Create cached usergroup members up 20131125230654 Create realms up 20131127112625 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20131128150357 Add admin flag to usergroup up 20131202120621 Create permissions up 20131202131847 Create filters up 20131202144415 Create filterings up 20131204174455 Add description to operatingsystem up 20131205204140 Create foreman tasks up 20131209122644 Create foreman tasks locks up 20131212125626 Add ldap avatar support up 20131223120945 Add userdata flag to images up 20131224153518 Create compute profiles up 20131224153743 Create compute attributes up 20131224154836 Add compute profile to hostgroup up 20140110164135 Add foreign keys to filters and filterings up 20140115130443 Add password to images up 20140123185537 Add default organization id to users up 20140123194519 Add default location id to users up 20140128123153 Add ancestry to taxonomies up 20140219183342 Change label to title up 20140219183343 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20140219183345 Add taxonomy searches to filter up 20140304184854 Add provision method to hosts up 20140305165000 Update foreman setup permissions up 20140314004243 Add counter caches up 20140318153157 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20140318221513 Change host managed default to false up 20140320000449 Add server type to auth source up 20140320004050 Add groups base to auth source up 20140324104010 Remove foreman tasks progress up 20140325093623 Add lowerlogin to users up 20140407161817 Create config groupsforeman puppet up 20140407162007 Create config group classesforeman puppet up 20140407162059 Create host config groupsforeman puppet up 20140409031625 Create external usergroups up 20140410134234 Remove subscribe to all hostgroups from users up 20140413123650 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20140415032811 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20140415052549 Cleanup users properties up 20140415053029 Remove user join tables up 20140522122215 Add hidden value to parameter up 20140623144932 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20140630114339 Add boot mode to subnet up 20140705173549 Add locked and default and vendor to config template up 20140707113214 Remove architecture default up 20140710132249 Extract nic attributes up 20140711142510 Add attributes to nic base up 20140716102950 Add managed to nics up 20140716140436 Change auditable name column to text up 20140725101621 Add primary interface to hosts up 20140728190218 Add ip suggestion to subnets up 20140805114754 Add unique index to parameter up 20140813215942 Add parent task up 20140826104209 Add merge overrides and avoid duplicates to lookup key up 20140828111505 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20140901115249 Add request uuid to audits up 20140902102858 Convert ipam to string up 20140908082450 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20140908192300 Change nil admin users to false up 20140910111148 Add bond attributes to nic base up 20140910153654 Move host nics to interfaces up 20140912113254 Add password hash to operatingsystem up 20140912114124 Add grub password to hosts up 20140912145052 Add grub password to hostgroup up 20140915141937 Add should use puppet default to lookup value and key up 20140928131124 Add title to os up 20140928140206 Create widgets up 20140929073150 Create mail notifications up 20140929073343 Create user mail notifications up 20140930201523 Add mail enabled to user up 20141014131912 Add subscription type to mail notifications up 20141015164522 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20141021105446 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20141023114229 Add timezone to user up 20141107091416 Create discovery rules up 20141107091417 Add discovery rule to host up 20141109131448 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20141110084848 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20141112165600 Add type to parameter index up 20141116131324 Add mail query to user mail notification up 20141117093914 Add queryable to mail notification up 20141120140051 Remove audit user fk up 20141124055509 Rename smart proxy auth related settings up 20141126165451 Add discovery id to subnet up 20141203082104 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20141217101211 Add compute attributes to nics up 20141223101707 Create discovery attribute sets up 20141223142759 Fill discovery attribute sets for existing hosts up 20141225073211 Add description to taxonomies up 20150114141626 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20150127085513 Set ptable layout to text up 20150202094307 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20150212161904 Move description fields to text up 20150225124617 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20150225131946 Change default subnet boot mode up 20150302112545 Remove duplicate tokens from hosts up 20150310153859 Remove discovery attribute sets from managed hosts up 20150312144232 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20150331132115 Remove old permissions up 20150428070436 Add index to logs source up 20150428110835 Change os default password hash up 20150505111345 Remove leftover tokens up 20150508124600 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20150512150432 Remove old discovery reader permissions up 20150514072626 Add type to config template up 20150514114044 Migrate ptables to templates up 20150514121649 Add usergroup sync to auth sources up 20150519142008 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20150521121315 Rename config template to provisioning template up 20150525081931 Remove duplicate tokens up 20150602153751 Change usergroup name to be required up 20150604104449 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20150605073820 Fix template snippet flag up 20150605103059 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20150606065713 Add sti to lookup keys up 20150612105614 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20150612121541 Add job template to template up 20150612135546 Create host status up 20150614171717 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20150616080015 Create core template input up 20150618093433 Remove unused fields from hosts up 20150622090115 Change reported at up 20150705131449 Add type to reports up 20150708070742 Add full name to setting up 20150708133241 Add targeting up 20150708133242 Add invocation up 20150708133305 Add template invocation up 20150713143226 Add unique to operatingsystems title up 20150714132601 Remove is param up 20150714140850 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20150714144500 Review discovery permissions up 20150714151223 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20150721131324 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20150728122736 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20150811170401 Add merge default to lookup key up 20150812110800 Add resolved at to targeting up 20150812145900 Add last task id to job invocation up 20150814204140 Add task type value index up 20150817102538 Add delay attributes up 20150819105725 Add lookup value match to host and hostgroup up 20150826191632 Create target remote execution proxies up 20150827144500 Change targeting search query type up 20150827152730 Add options to core template input up 20150903192731 Add execution to interface up 20150907124936 Create recurring logic up 20150907131503 Create task groups up 20150917155300 Update host status status field int up 20150923125825 Add job invocation task group up 20151009084350 Drop ptables up 20151013135415 Add pub key to smart proxy up 20151019174035 Rename domain host count up 20151022105508 Rename last task id column up 20151022123457 Add recurring logic state up 20151023144501 Regenerate red hat kexec up 20151025120534 Add hidden value to lookup key up 20151104100257 Add hosts count to hostgroup up 20151109152507 Add host status host id index up 20151112152108 Create triggerings up 20151116105412 Add triggering to job invocation up 20151120153254 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20151120171100 Add effective user to template invocation up 20151124162300 Create job template effective users up 20151203100824 Add description to job invocation up 20151210143537 Add type to mail notification up 20151215114631 Add host id to template invocation up 20151217092555 Migrate to task groups up 20151220093801 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20160108134600 Create template input sets up 20160108141144 Make job name default to something up 20160111113032 Upcase ssh feature up 20160113161916 Add run host job task id to template invocation up 20160113162007 Expand all template invocations up 20160114120200 Rename job categories up 20160114125628 Rename job name to job category up 20160118124600 Create remote execution features up 20160125155108 Make job template name unique up 20160127134031 Add advanced to core template input up 20160127162711 Reword puppet template description up 20160201131211 Add expired logs to smart proxy up 20160203104056 Add concurrency options to job invocation up 20160203110216 Add default value for bookmark public field up 20160215143900 Add subnet domain relation constraints up 20160225115638 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20160225131917 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20160228140111 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20160307120453 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20160308102459 Remove permissions from roles up 20160315161936 Add encrypted to settings up 20160317070258 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20160404074723 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20160414063050 Add sti to subnets up 20160415134454 Add ipv6 to hosts up 20160415135858 Add ipv6 subnet up 20160516070529 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20160527093031 Limit os description up 20160609092110 Remove nil from merge override up 20160616074718 Remove host counter cache up 20160626085636 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20160705082036 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20160706074540 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20160707195442 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20160715131352 Set role builtin default up 20160717125402 Unify permissions up 20160719081324 Change templates type default up 20160719095445 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20160719100624 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20160719124942 Add missing view permissions up 20160725142557 Add pxe loader to host up 20160726085358 Rename lookup value use puppet default up 20160727084256 Add description to user up 20160727142242 Add pxe loader to hostgroup up 20160728095626 Add description to role up 20160729094457 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20160802153302 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20160805094233 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20160805104605 Rename lock template setting up 20160817125655 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20160818062936 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20160818091420 Add override flag to filter up 20160818091421 Add permissions from default roles up 20160831121418 Rename lookup key use puppet default up 20160914125418 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20160920151810 Add more lock indexes up 20160922144222 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20160924213018 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20160924213030 Change tasks widget names up 20160925213030 Change discovery widget names up 20160926225841 Update template input value up 20160927071039 Create notification blueprints up 20160927071147 Create notifications up 20160927073233 Create notification recipients up 20160927164411 Define explicit length for discovery rule attributes up 20161003091412 Add missing indexes up 20161006070258 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20161006094714 Add constraints on subnets smart proxies up 20161007115719 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20161122154057 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20161129091049 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20161205142618 Delete orphaned smart class parametersforeman puppet up 20161227082709 Change architecture name limit up 20161227082721 Change usergroup name limit up 20170109115157 Fix lookup key auditable typeforeman puppet up 20170110113824 Change id value range up 20170110145641 Add host action button to remote execution feature up 20170112175131 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20170118142654 Add auto increment to bigint ids up 20170118154134 Add type index to reports up 20170127094357 Add caching enabled to compute resource up 20170131142526 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20170201135815 Add domain to compute resources up 20170209084517 Add actions to notification blueprint up 20170209113134 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20170213154641 Add index reports on host id type up 20170214132230 Create ssh keys up 20170221075203 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20170221100747 Add origin to roles up 20170221195674 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20170223114114 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20170223161638 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20170226193446 Move subject to notifications up 20170228134258 Add clone info to role up 20170301155205 Remove widget hide up 20170306100129 Add message to notification up 20170315154334 Add report time type host index up 20170316142703 Add missing indexes to notification up 20170319131341 Add ancestry name index on fact name up 20170404134531 Add description to subnets up 20170405065305 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20170424131346 Add description to hostgroup up 20170525112713 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20170604082313 Add compute resource to hostgroup up 20170606115344 Change lookup key path to text up 20170608130132 Add use netgroups to ldap auth source up 20170610132326 Create personal access tokens up 20170613101039 Add timeout to job templates and job invocations up 20170622011347 Add http proxies up 20170629080604 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20170815130257 Add index to ssh keys up 20170828114310 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20170911133318 Drop default type in templates up 20170920211135 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20171005114442 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20171016202300 Increase fact value size up 20171026082635 Add task actionforeman tasks up 20171109095957 Add key type to parameters up 20171119094913 Add mtu to subnet up 20171121082256 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20171121111333 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20171126131104 Remove duplicate taxable taxonomies up 20171129103615 Add secrets to job invocations up 20171208113210 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20171213161035 Add indexes on images up 20171222120314 Add constraints on discovery rules hostgroups up 20171225122601 Add version to auditable index up 20171231134017 Change vlan to int up 20180102082705 Add taxonomy index to hosts up 20180110104432 Rename template invocation permission up 20180111130853 Add config reports origin up 20180112125015 Fix taxable taxonomies job template up 20180119205740 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20180123140634 Remove limit ldap filter up 20180129143410 Create jwt secrets up 20180202072115 Add notification builder to remote execution feature up 20180202123215 Add feature id to job invocation up 20180207150921 Add remote tasksforeman tasks up 20180208053256 Create table preferences up 20180216092715 Use uuid up 20180216094550 Add template to subnets up 20180226095631 Change task id to uuid up 20180228132500 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20180305111232 Add build errors to hosts up 20180312080251 Change digests limit up 20180322102951 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20180403144853 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20180404082603 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20180410125416 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20180411160809 Add sudo password to job invocation up 20180412124505 Add priority score to discovery rules up 20180424080702 Change subnet vlanid size up 20180601102951 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20180613100703 Add type to token up 20180625082051 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20180627134929 Change lock setting up 20180628125416 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20180702102759 Remove params value limit up 20180705164601 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20180705191153 Add upgrade task up 20180705230311 Smart proxy capabilities up 20180713154128 Add index on role names up 20180715202514 Optimize indices up 20180720143228 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20180724062531 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20180724152638 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20180806151925 Add subnet name unique constraint up 20180816110716 Add httpboot do subnet up 20180816134832 Cast lookup key valuesforeman puppet up 20180820072858 Add help text to template kinds up 20180831115634 Add uniqueness to puppetclass nameforeman puppet up 20180903154354 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20180904142922 Add nic delay to subnet up 20180913101042 Add randomized ordering to targeting up 20180918135943 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20180927120509 Add user idforeman tasks up 20181001141138 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20181019135324 Add remote task operation up 20181023112532 Add environment puppetclass idforeman puppet up 20181031155025 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20181101101145 Add index to lookup values up 20181105061336 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20181116104823 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20181206123910 Create foreman tasks linksforeman tasks up 20181206124952 Migrate non exclusive locks to linksforeman tasks up 20181206131436 Drop old locksforeman tasks up 20181206131627 Make locks exclusiveforeman tasks up 20181224174419 Add index to environment class by lookup key and puppetclassforeman puppet up 20190108151133 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20190111153330 Remove remote execution without proxy setting up 20190116120705 Remove timestamps from logs up 20190121084601 Change compute resource password length up 20190122115421 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20190225115728 Create stored values up 20190226182746 Create registration facets up 20190228160047 Add value type and resource type to template input up 20190305150816 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20190318094437 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20190318153925 Add task state updated atforeman tasks up 20190328114657 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20190410143011 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20190510082811 Add taxonomy id taxable type indices to taxable taxonomies up 20190604081000 Change root pass in host up 20190621160800 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20190627083110 Change token value type up 20190630034751 Create host facets reported data facets up 20190705060630 Add searchable value to parameters up 20190718093321 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20190801143210 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20190821135704 Feature unique name up 20190829102315 Http proxy unique name up 20190918170516 Add default to template inputs up 20190919155550 Add description to templates up 20190923180644 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20191001120743 Add fields to reported data facet up 20191017151119 Add external ipam id to subnets up 20191028082812 Remove limit from root pass up 20191118072000 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20200102150855 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20200107154252 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20200107181613 Add foreman internal table up 20200112121946 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20200127103144 Ssh keys fingerprints sha1 up 20200129123555 Add disabled to users up 20200205105956 Drop parameterized classes setting up 20200217110708 Alter session sequence to cycle up 20200311131527 Drop smart variable permissions up 20200311134414 Change match to text in lookupvalue up 20200318135632 Rename report templates up 20200324210540 Rename default variable lookup path up 20200326164755 Change oidc audience setting type up 20200402190048 Add hidden value to template input up 20200406113832 Drop variable lookup key up 20200427151946 Drop rackspace cr up 20200513092446 Change config chart class up 20200517215015 Rename bookmarks controller up 20200519093217 Drop dynflow allow dangerous actions settingforeman tasks up 20200521082853 Rename cent os7 install media up 20200525073201 Drop puppet class id from look up key up 20200602155700 Drop puppet run up 20200611090846 Add task lock index on resource type and task up 20200615071719 Add bmc to subnet up 20200616134403 Remove setting enable orchestration down 20200623073022 Rename sudo password to effective user password up 20200625081552 Add unique index to lookup value up 20200630092207 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20200709160133 Set empty filter taxonomy search nil up 20200720123005 Migrate puppet core typesforeman puppet up 20200722171017 Create host puppet facetforeman puppet up 20200803113531 Create hostgroup puppet facetforeman puppet up 20200803113803 Migrate environment to puppet facetforeman puppet up 20200803113903 Migrate host type in host config groupsforeman puppet down 20200820122057 Add proxy selector override to remote execution feature up 20200825121733 Drop compare content host template up 20200908120905 Rebuild taxonomy search up 20200911083030 Use hash index for reports up 20200918223816 Update login delegation description up 20200921135723 Create host facets infrastructure facets up 20201030102020 Enlarge report status up 20201125113903 Migrate puppetclasses to facetsforeman puppet up 20201224095619 Remove ovirt use api from attr up 20210114143800 Nilify empty proxy credentials up 20210115124508 Template kind registration down 20210312074713 Add provider inputs up 20210317090500 Add disks total to host facets up 20210317170111 Remove the remote add setting up 20210401124332 Drop db pending migration setting up 20210407104300 Downcase mac addresses up 20210502113529 Drop view bookmarks permission down 2021051713291621250977 Add host proxy invocations up 20210525144427 Enforce unique templates up 20210609093404 Drop override taxonomies from filter up 20210610131920 Restrict sendmail location up 20210610134000 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20210708123832 Add parent task id to remote tasksforeman tasks up 20210720115251 Add purpose to recurring logic down 20210816100932 Rex setting category to dsl up 20210901081438 Drop view tasks permission up 20210915132645 General setting to dsl up 20210924103241 Remove katello id from environmentsforeman puppet up 20210929132645 Core setting to dsl up 20211111115000 Drop fix db cache setting up 20211111125003 Drop puppetclasses direct referencesforeman puppet up 20211112130803 Cleanup environment from core tablesforeman puppet up 20211122154929 Templates settings category to dsl up 20211123170430 Tasks settings to dsl category up 20220111110149 Drop require ssl smart proxies setting up 20220201205305 Migrate host class permissionforeman puppet up 20220208134539 Rename cent os stream os up 20220208135305 Migrate environment ignore typeforeman puppet down 20220321101835 Rename ssh provider to script down 20220331112719 Add ssh user to job invocation up 20220421204325 Drop environment from host and hgforeman puppet