2023-10-20T10:31:32 [I|app|34df56fe] Started GET "/node/katello.mnsmithuk?format=yml" for at 2023-10-20 10:31:32 +0000 2023-10-20T10:31:32 [I|app|34df56fe] Processing by HostsController#externalNodes as YML 2023-10-20T10:31:32 [I|app|34df56fe] Parameters: {"name"=>"katello.mnsmithuk"} 2023-10-20T10:31:33 [I|app|34df56fe] Rendered text template (Duration: 0.0ms | Allocations: 2) 2023-10-20T10:31:33 [I|app|34df56fe] Completed 200 OK in 87ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 27.1ms | Allocations: 18863) 2023-10-20T10:32:05 [I|app|862be213] Started POST "/api/hosts/facts" for at 2023-10-20 10:32:05 +0000 2023-10-20T10:32:05 [I|app|862be213] Processing by Api::V2::HostsController#facts as JSON 2023-10-20T10:32:05 [I|app|862be213] Parameters: {"facts"=>"[FILTERED]", "name"=>"katello.mnsmithuk", "certname"=>"katello.mnsmithuk", "apiv"=>"v2", "host"=>{"certname"=>"katello.mnsmithuk", "name"=>"katello.mnsmithuk"}} 2023-10-20T10:32:05 [I|app|862be213] Import facts for 'katello.mnsmithuk' completed. Added: 11, Updated: 12, Deleted 0 facts 2023-10-20T10:32:05 [I|app|862be213] Completed 201 Created in 290ms (Views: 6.9ms | ActiveRecord: 73.3ms | Allocations: 61747) 2023-10-20T10:32:05 [I|app|ed1ce51b] Started GET "/node/katello.mnsmithuk?format=yml" for at 2023-10-20 10:32:05 +0000 2023-10-20T10:32:05 [I|app|ed1ce51b] Processing by HostsController#externalNodes as YML 2023-10-20T10:32:05 [I|app|ed1ce51b] Parameters: {"name"=>"katello.mnsmithuk"} 2023-10-20T10:32:05 [I|app|ed1ce51b] Rendered text template (Duration: 0.0ms | Allocations: 1) 2023-10-20T10:32:05 [I|app|ed1ce51b] Completed 200 OK in 108ms (Views: 0.9ms | ActiveRecord: 27.1ms | Allocations: 23181) 2023-10-20T10:32:06 [I|app|bdacb139] Started POST "/api/config_reports" for at 2023-10-20 10:32:06 +0000 2023-10-20T10:32:06 [I|app|bdacb139] Processing by Api::V2::ConfigReportsController#create as JSON 2023-10-20T10:32:06 [I|app|bdacb139] Parameters: {"config_report"=>"[FILTERED]", "apiv"=>"v2"} 2023-10-20T10:32:06 [I|app|bdacb139] Scanning report with: Foreman::PuppetReportScanner, ForemanAnsible::AnsibleReportScanner 2023-10-20T10:32:06 [I|app|bdacb139] Imported report for katello.mnsmithuk in 33.4 ms, status refreshed in 37.5 ms 2023-10-20T10:32:06 [I|app|bdacb139] Rendered api/v2/config_reports/create.json.rabl (Duration: 12.6ms | Allocations: 7150) 2023-10-20T10:32:06 [I|app|bdacb139] Completed 201 Created in 100ms (Views: 14.6ms | ActiveRecord: 25.7ms | Allocations: 28573) 2023-10-20T10:32:51 [I|app|dc92ea29] Started POST "/api/config_reports" for at 2023-10-20 10:32:51 +0000 2023-10-20T10:32:51 [I|app|dc92ea29] Processing by Api::V2::ConfigReportsController#create as JSON 2023-10-20T10:32:51 [I|app|dc92ea29] Parameters: {"config_report"=>"[FILTERED]", "apiv"=>"v2"} 2023-10-20T10:32:51 [I|app|dc92ea29] Scanning report with: Foreman::PuppetReportScanner, ForemanAnsible::AnsibleReportScanner 2023-10-20T10:32:51 [I|app|dc92ea29] Imported report for katello.mnsmithuk in 28.8 ms, status refreshed in 37.2 ms 2023-10-20T10:32:51 [I|app|dc92ea29] Rendered api/v2/config_reports/create.json.rabl (Duration: 7.3ms | Allocations: 7133) 2023-10-20T10:32:51 [I|app|dc92ea29] Completed 201 Created in 89ms (Views: 9.2ms | ActiveRecord: 23.4ms | Allocations: 28522) 2023-10-20T10:33:53 [I|app|] Rails cache backend: File 2023-10-20T10:33:55 [W|app|] You are trying to replace import_subnets from . Adding allowed actions from plugin permissions to the existing one. 2023-10-20T10:33:56 [W|app|] Setting remote_execution_workers_pool_size has no definition, please define it before using 2023-10-20T10:33:57 [W|app|] Setting host_tasks_workers_pool_size has no definition, please define it before using 2023-10-20T10:33:58 [W|app|] Creating scope :completer_scope. Overwriting existing method Organization.completer_scope. 2023-10-20T10:33:59 [W|app|] You are trying to replace view_hosts from foreman_ansible. Adding allowed actions from plugin permissions to the existing one. 2023-10-20T10:33:59 [W|app|] You are trying to replace view_hostgroups from foreman_ansible. Adding allowed actions from plugin permissions to the existing one. 2023-10-20T10:33:59 [W|app|] You are trying to replace edit_hosts from foreman_ansible. Adding allowed actions from plugin permissions to the existing one. 2023-10-20T10:33:59 [W|app|] You are trying to replace edit_hostgroups from foreman_ansible. Adding allowed actions from plugin permissions to the existing one. 2023-10-20T10:33:59 [W|app|] You are trying to replace edit_hosts from foreman_openscap. Adding allowed actions from plugin permissions to the existing one. 2023-10-20T10:33:59 [W|app|] You are trying to replace view_hosts from foreman_openscap. Adding allowed actions from plugin permissions to the existing one. 2023-10-20T10:33:59 [W|app|] You are trying to replace edit_hostgroups from foreman_openscap. Adding allowed actions from plugin permissions to the existing one. 2023-10-20T10:33:59 [W|app|] You are trying to replace create_oval_policies from foreman_openscap. Adding allowed actions from plugin permissions to the existing one. 2023-10-20T10:33:59 [W|app|] Creating scope :completer_scope. Overwriting existing method Location.completer_scope. 2023-10-20T10:34:01 [W|app|] Creating scope :execution_scope. Overwriting existing method Host::Managed.execution_scope. 2023-10-20T10:34:16 [I|app|] Rails cache backend: File 2023-10-20T10:34:18 [W|app|] You are trying to replace import_subnets from . Adding allowed actions from plugin permissions to the existing one. 2023-10-20T10:34:19 [W|app|] Setting remote_execution_workers_pool_size has no definition, please define it before using 2023-10-20T10:34:19 [W|app|] Setting host_tasks_workers_pool_size has no definition, please define it before using 2023-10-20T10:34:21 [W|app|] Creating scope :completer_scope. Overwriting existing method Organization.completer_scope. 2023-10-20T10:34:21 [W|app|] You are trying to replace view_hosts from foreman_ansible. Adding allowed actions from plugin permissions to the existing one. 2023-10-20T10:34:21 [W|app|] You are trying to replace view_hostgroups from foreman_ansible. Adding allowed actions from plugin permissions to the existing one. 2023-10-20T10:34:21 [W|app|] You are trying to replace edit_hosts from foreman_ansible. Adding allowed actions from plugin permissions to the existing one. 2023-10-20T10:34:21 [W|app|] You are trying to replace edit_hostgroups from foreman_ansible. Adding allowed actions from plugin permissions to the existing one. 2023-10-20T10:34:22 [W|app|] You are trying to replace edit_hosts from foreman_openscap. Adding allowed actions from plugin permissions to the existing one. 2023-10-20T10:34:22 [W|app|] You are trying to replace view_hosts from foreman_openscap. Adding allowed actions from plugin permissions to the existing one. 2023-10-20T10:34:22 [W|app|] You are trying to replace edit_hostgroups from foreman_openscap. Adding allowed actions from plugin permissions to the existing one. 2023-10-20T10:34:22 [W|app|] You are trying to replace create_oval_policies from foreman_openscap. Adding allowed actions from plugin permissions to the existing one. 2023-10-20T10:34:22 [W|app|] Creating scope :completer_scope. Overwriting existing method Location.completer_scope. 2023-10-20T10:34:23 [W|app|] Creating scope :execution_scope. Overwriting existing method Host::Managed.execution_scope. 2023-10-20T10:34:27 [W|app|] Scoped order is ignored, it's forced to be batch order. 2023-10-20T10:34:28 [W|app|] ignoring associations organization_ids, location_ids audit definition for ForemanOpenscap::ArfReport, the resource is not audited 2023-10-20T10:34:28 [W|app|] Scoped order is ignored, it's forced to be batch order. 2023-10-20T10:34:28 [W|app|] Scoped order is ignored, it's forced to be batch order. 2023-10-20T10:34:39 [I|app|aea791ba] Started GET "/api/v2/hosts?search=name%3D%22katello.mnsmithuk%22" for at 2023-10-20 10:34:39 +0000 2023-10-20T10:34:39 [I|app|aea791ba] Processing by Api::V2::HostsController#index as JSON 2023-10-20T10:34:39 [I|app|aea791ba] Parameters: {"search"=>"name=\"katello.mnsmithuk\"", "apiv"=>"v2", "host"=>{}} 2023-10-20T10:34:39 [I|app|aea791ba] Authorized user foreman_api_admin(API Admin) 2023-10-20T10:34:39 [I|app|aea791ba] Rendered api/v2/hosts/index.json.rabl within api/v2/layouts/index_layout (Duration: 61.9ms | Allocations: 22374) 2023-10-20T10:34:39 [I|app|aea791ba] Rendered layout api/v2/layouts/index_layout.json.erb (Duration: 70.1ms | Allocations: 29040) 2023-10-20T10:34:39 [I|app|aea791ba] Completed 200 OK in 127ms (Views: 62.9ms | ActiveRecord: 26.0ms | Allocations: 40759) 2023-10-20T10:34:39 [I|app|676faf4d] Started GET "/api/v2/hosts?search=name%3D%22katello.mnsmithuk%22" for at 2023-10-20 10:34:39 +0000 2023-10-20T10:34:39 [I|app|676faf4d] Processing by Api::V2::HostsController#index as JSON 2023-10-20T10:34:39 [I|app|676faf4d] Parameters: {"search"=>"name=\"katello.mnsmithuk\"", "apiv"=>"v2", "host"=>{}} 2023-10-20T10:34:39 [I|app|676faf4d] Authorized user foreman_api_admin(API Admin) 2023-10-20T10:34:40 [I|app|676faf4d] Rendered api/v2/hosts/index.json.rabl within api/v2/layouts/index_layout (Duration: 54.3ms | Allocations: 22295) 2023-10-20T10:34:40 [I|app|676faf4d] Rendered layout api/v2/layouts/index_layout.json.erb (Duration: 61.3ms | Allocations: 28950) 2023-10-20T10:34:40 [I|app|676faf4d] Completed 200 OK in 109ms (Views: 55.3ms | ActiveRecord: 21.0ms | Allocations: 40529) 2023-10-20T10:34:40 [I|app|307ee300] Started GET "/api/v2/hosts?search=name%3D%22katello.mnsmithuk%22" for at 2023-10-20 10:34:40 +0000 2023-10-20T10:34:40 [I|app|307ee300] Processing by Api::V2::HostsController#index as JSON 2023-10-20T10:34:40 [I|app|307ee300] Parameters: {"search"=>"name=\"katello.mnsmithuk\"", "apiv"=>"v2", "host"=>{}} 2023-10-20T10:34:40 [I|app|307ee300] Authorized user foreman_api_admin(API Admin) 2023-10-20T10:34:40 [I|app|307ee300] Rendered api/v2/hosts/index.json.rabl within api/v2/layouts/index_layout (Duration: 59.7ms | Allocations: 22299) 2023-10-20T10:34:40 [I|app|307ee300] Rendered layout api/v2/layouts/index_layout.json.erb (Duration: 67.8ms | Allocations: 28954) 2023-10-20T10:34:40 [I|app|307ee300] Completed 200 OK in 132ms (Views: 60.4ms | ActiveRecord: 38.7ms | Allocations: 40575) 2023-10-20T10:34:40 [I|app|15ead6a9] Started GET "/api/v2/smart_proxies?search=name%3D%22katello.mnsmithuk%22" for at 2023-10-20 10:34:40 +0000 2023-10-20T10:34:40 [I|app|15ead6a9] Processing by Api::V2::SmartProxiesController#index as JSON 2023-10-20T10:34:40 [I|app|15ead6a9] Parameters: {"search"=>"name=\"katello.mnsmithuk\"", "apiv"=>"v2", "smart_proxy"=>{}} 2023-10-20T10:34:40 [I|app|15ead6a9] Authorized user foreman_api_admin(API Admin) 2023-10-20T10:34:40 [I|app|15ead6a9] Rendered api/v2/smart_proxies/index.json.rabl within api/v2/layouts/index_layout (Duration: 64.6ms | Allocations: 25936) 2023-10-20T10:34:40 [I|app|15ead6a9] Rendered layout api/v2/layouts/index_layout.json.erb (Duration: 72.0ms | Allocations: 32608) 2023-10-20T10:34:40 [I|app|15ead6a9] Completed 200 OK in 99ms (Views: 62.2ms | ActiveRecord: 20.3ms | Allocations: 39065) 2023-10-20T10:34:40 [I|app|2934f76e] Started PUT "/api/v2/smart_proxies/1/refresh" for at 2023-10-20 10:34:40 +0000 2023-10-20T10:34:40 [I|app|2934f76e] Processing by Api::V2::SmartProxiesController#refresh as JSON 2023-10-20T10:34:40 [I|app|2934f76e] Parameters: {"apiv"=>"v2", "id"=>"1", "smart_proxy"=>{}} 2023-10-20T10:34:40 [I|app|2934f76e] Authorized user foreman_api_admin(API Admin) 2023-10-20T10:34:41 [I|app|2934f76e] Rendered api/v2/smart_proxies/refresh.json.rabl (Duration: 81.6ms | Allocations: 30778) 2023-10-20T10:34:41 [I|app|2934f76e] Completed 200 OK in 534ms (Views: 71.8ms | ActiveRecord: 34.8ms | Allocations: 80318)