#6075 - apipie significantly slower than naive API calls

A community member noted, with some detail[1], the dramatic slowness of apipie versus direct http requests. Any thoughts on this?

[1] Bug #6075: apipie significantly slower than naive API calls - Hammer CLI - Foreman

··· -- @thomasmckay

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The difference is caused by apipie-bindings, as all the three client
implementations call the same (apipie documented) API on the server.
There is a couple of extra things that the binding does, e.g. apidoc
cache checking, correct route evaluation based on parameters.
I'll check if the performance of apipie-bindings could be improved or
fixed be more suitable configuration.


··· On 06/10/2014 12:27 AM, Tom McKay wrote: > A community member noted, with some detail[1], the dramatic slowness of apipie versus direct http requests. Any thoughts on this? > > [1] http://projects.theforeman.org/issues/