Add addtional column to Host page

do you set also different links for each host right ? @cps86
if you can post the content too :slight_smile:

Yes, you can set anything that you want, custom/fixed urls as well as different links for different hosts.
My plugin config file:

    :title: AppVer
    :after: last_report
    :content: facts_hash['application_version']
    :title: Remote
    :after: name1
    :content: 'link_to(_("VNC View"), "", { :class => "btn btn-info", :target => "_blank", :rel => "noopener noreferrer" } )'
    :title: Remote
    :after: name2
    :content: 'link_to(_("VNC Control"), "", { :class => "btn btn-danger", :target => "_blank", :rel => "noopener noreferrer" } )'
    :title: Printer
    :after: name3
    :content: 'link_to(_("WEB UI"), "https://#{}/API/CALL/OF/YOUR/CHOICE", { :class => "btn btn-info text-center", :target => "_blank", :rel => "noopener noreferrer" } )'

name2 & name3 point to (created that just for the testing purposes).
name4 shows how to get hostname.

Enjoy. :slightly_smiling_face:

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thank you so much :slight_smile: Iā€™ll test that now :slight_smile:

Now the thing which does not work for me are the conditions.
I would like to display text or a link only if parituclar parameter or fact exists for a host. Canā€™t figure it out. :face_exhaling:

Same here, some hosts donest have e.g. factX so it doesnt work!

If I found a solution for it, Iā€™ll let you knowā€¦

Hey Neeloj
Thanks for the reply. I figured it out as well by modyfing foreman column view plugin and it works. Hereā€™s the code:

module ForemanColumnView
  module HostsHelper
    include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper

    def fcv_title(column)
      title = SETTINGS[:column_view][column.to_sym][:title]
      return title

    def fcv_content(host, column)
      content = SETTINGS[:column_view][column.to_sym][:content]
      if content =~ /(.*)\[(.*)\]/
        content_name = $2
        intermediate_result = host.send($1)[$2.gsub(/['"]/,'')]
        something = intermediate_result.nil? ? "null" : "#{intermediate_result}"
        if something.start_with?("http")
          if content_name =~ /"url_vnc_view"/
            return link_to("VNC View", something, { :class => "btn btn-info text-center", :target => "_blank", :rel => "noopener noreferrer" })
          elsif content_name =~ /"url_vnc_control"/
            return link_to("VNC Control", something, { :class => "btn btn-danger text-center", :target => "_blank", :rel => "noopener noreferrer" })
          elsif content_name =~ /url_printer/
            return link_to("Web UI", something, { :class => "btn btn-success text-center", :target => "_blank", :rel => "noopener noreferrer" })
            return link_to("Link", something, { :class => "btn btn-info text-center", :target => "_blank", :rel => "noopener noreferrer" })
          return intermediate_result
      elsif content =~ /^link_to/
        something = host.send(content)
        return eval(content)
        something = host.send(content)
	return something

plugin config:

    :title: PlatformVer
    :after: last_report
    :content: facts_hash['application_version']
    :title: Remote
    :after: name1
    :content: params["url_vnc_view"]
    :title: Remote
    :after: name2
    :content: params["url_vnc_control"]
    :title: Printer
    :after: name3
    :content: params["url_printer"]

Please not that I donā€™t know ruby programming language, actually I never used it before. So most probably thatā€™s an invalid approach. :melting_face: But it works and thatā€™s all I need. :slight_smile:
If you came up with an easier idea, perhaps without modifying the plugin then please let me know.

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thank you so much, it looks very good, Iā€™ll check it out. @cps86

Same here :smiley:

Which file is the first change, path of the file please?

Which file is the first change, path of the file please?

In my case it is here:

By the way, too bad that we canā€™t sort using these extra columns.
I wonder if it can be added :slight_smile:

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