Adding existing Nodes to a Foreman Master Machine

So my first idea of using foreman is the ability to manage different hosts in a centralized environment, whether they are virtualized or physical, and then perform vulnerabilities and risk assessments so i could fix them with the automated scripts and guides that foreman provides.

This is a home researching scenario, so maybe i can propose to my company the use of this software in the future.

The problem is that i am having an issue adding new nodes to foreman master. I already get to sign the certificated requested from the Ubuntu node, i signed it through foreman master terminal, and then it shows up in the certificates on the web gui, but the host doesn’t show in the host list of the web gui as it would.

I already set the needed ports on the firewall.

In the web gui i changed the organization and location to any but it didn’t change anything.

This is a screenshot of the certificate list in the webgui:
This is the host list in the webgui:

Foreman Master:
System: Vmware machine with CentOS7
**Foreman Version: 1.24.2
**Puppet Version: 6.14.0

Puppet Node Machine:
System: Vmware machine with Ubuntu LTS 18.0.4
**Puppet Node Version: 5.4.0

Other relevant data:
Both machines were created only with the purpose of using foreman. The Foreman server is a fresh installation only with Foreman and Puppet. The machines are running on a VMware workstation, both on the same host, using a bridging network (in the same subnet) both can ping each other using the FQDN.

This problem was caused by differences between the Puppet Node and Puppet versions and is now solved. Updating this for reference’s sake.