After upgrade to 3.10, hostgroup cannot load any data when creating VM

After upgrade to 3.10, hostgroup cannot load any data when creating VM
Expected outcome:
when creating VM, after selecting hostgroup, all pre-set data in hostgroup will show up
Foreman and Proxy versions:
foreman 3.10
Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:
foreman 3.10, not plugin issue
Distribution and version:
foreman 3.10
Other relevant data:
Our hostgroup of MS_Windows/Systems/SJC1 is connected to the location of Systems/SJC1.
After upgrading from 3.9 to 3.10, when creating VM, we should see all settings from hostgroup to be added; for example, “Deploy On”. But none of them are brought into the host creation items. I choose any location and organization.

Could I have your advice? Thank you

pic1: hostgroup

pic2: location

pic3: Create Host

Dear support,

I believe something is wrong internally. When I create VM, below error log keep showing up.
This issue of hostgroup is not resolved and prevent us from upgrading.

Dear supporter,

I notice that 3.10 is based on Centos 9. Is it possible the issue is caused by OS version? We use almalinux 8 and this issue occurred when we upgraded to 3.10.

While I cannot assist with your original issue, this is definitely not the problem at hand. Support for running on EL9 is considered experimental (read: not stable) with Foreman 3.10 and only became stable with 3.11. EL8 is expected to work until 3.12. See Drop support for running on EL8 with Foreman 3.13 for further info.

Hi @areyus,
The configuration of hostgroup and location is certain to be correct. Did you hear any other case on the broken relation between hostgroup and location after upgrade to 3.10? I know you might think it is a setting issue, but we upgraded the other 3.09 environment to 3.10 and same issue happened. Therefore, we are certain that something is wrong with 3.10 package.

Could you please help with doing a test on your environment? We are stuck here and very need your help. Thank you very much

Hi @areyus,
I build foreman 3.11 on AlmaLinux9 and restore backup data from almalinux8’s foreman3.11 to the almalinux9’s foreman3.11. The result is good and no relation between location and hostgroup is resolved by upgrading almalinux from 8 to 9. But now, another issue is happening
to external IPAM plugin. Please see below error from foreman proxy warning. It cannot fetch IP from IPAM. It seems some issue with the decode function in the module.

Glad to hear you got that part working.
About the IPAM problem:
You should probably open another topic for that problem, but since I assume the error is from GitHub - grizzthedj/smart_proxy_ipam: Foreman Smart Proxy plugin for integration with External IPAM providers I am afraid you might be out of luck with that plugin since it is abandoned since 4 years ago and the creator does not work on anything foreman-related anymore afaik.

I had the same problem upgrading from 3.11 to 3.12. All I did to get it back to work was reboot the foreman host once more and clear cookies/cache on my client’s browser. Unfortunately, I didn’t check the dev console for errors that may have popped up, you might want to do that first.

Clearing cookies/cache helped me before already too when things behaved weirdly with foreman so it’s probably worth a try when having other issues too :slight_smile: