[Announce] Foreman 1.2.0-RC1 available

I'm happy to announce the first release candidate of Foreman 1.2,
version 1.2.0-RC1!

Packages in both RPM and Debian formats are available, but please note
the RPM support in RC1 is limited (see details below). This will
improve for RC2 and during the remainder of the release cycle.

Key features:

  • Discovery plugin support
  • BMC and IPMI support
  • SPICE HTML5 support
  • PostgreSQL by default
  • Puppet runs via MCollective
  • APIv2 with Puppet class support

Full release notes:

==== Packages ====
Package repos are available here:
http://deb.theforeman.org/ ("rc" component)

Quickstart instructions are here:

Puppet modules for foreman-installer also available here:

Tarballs available here:

==== Unavailable features in RPMs ====
Due to time constraints and the major reworking of the RPM packages to
use Software Collections (SCL), some features are unavailable in RC1.
They will be made available later in the RC cycle:

  • Passenger in RPMs: due to co-locating SCL Foreman and non-SCL Puppet
    within the same Apache instance (see foreman-dev for details)
  • MySQL support in RPMs: the required MySQL gems haven't been built yet
  • Only EL6 x86_64 packages available, EL5 and Fedora to follow
  • SELinux policy

For these reasons, it's recommended not to upgrade production systems
(which use Passenger) on RPM distros yet.

==== Installation ====
If using the installer on RPM distros, deselect SSL and Apache &
Passenger under the Foreman configuration menu due to the lack of
Passenger support. This will result in this answers file:

ssl: false
passenger: false

==== Known issues ====
** Admin account not enabled after installation **
Workaround (RPMs): after install run cd ~foreman && sudo -u foreman ruby193-rake permissions:reset RAILS_ENV=production

Workaround (others): after install run cd ~foreman && sudo -u foreman rake permissions:reset RAILS_ENV=production
(Bug #2519: Admin account not enabled after db:migrate - Foreman)

** JSON package doesn't install on Debian 7 (Wheezy) **
Workaround: install ruby1.9.1-dev before running the installer
(Bug #2557: Debian Wheezy RC1 can miss the ruby1.9.1-dev dependency - Packaging - Foreman)

** Unable to select non-English locales **
No workaround, fix should be in RC2.
(Bug #2536: Available locales not populated in production mode - Foreman)

All other bugs still targeted for Foreman 1.2:

==== Reporting issues ====
Please report issues found in Foreman 1.2 in redmine and set "Target
Version" to 1.2 on new bugs.

Foreman: Foreman
Proxy: Foreman

Existing bug reports are listed here:

The new foreman-debug script can be used to collect and provide
information about your setup, and the result attached to bug reports:

Thanks for testing our release!

ยทยทยท -- Dominic Cleal Red Hat Engineering