Ansible callback with windows openssh.server produces a 500 Server Error: Internal

Attempting to onboard existing windows systems into foreman via Ansible setup. facts are processed but fail to be sent to the Foreman /api/v2/hosts/facts site.
Linux hosts work perfectly, like always.
Ansible runs to the system (win_ping module, playbooks, etc) to the windows host via ansible are also fine. Callback produces the error post run:

[WARNING]: Sending data to Foreman at failed for 500 Server Error: Internal
Server Error for url:

Expected outcome:
Setup should report back to Foreman all windows facts and register with system:

Foreman and Proxy versions:
Foreman 3.0.0

Distribution and version:
CentOS7 for Foreman server.
Windows Server2019 with OpenSSH Server installed:
(Add-WindowsCapability ā€“Online ā€“Name OpenSSH.Server~~~~
proxy public key used for authentication

Other relevant data:
Callback addition to ansible.cfg:

callback_whitelist = foreman
callback_plugins = /root/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/theforeman/foreman/plugins/callback
bin_ansible_callbacks = true

url = ā€˜https://centfor.pate.netā€™
ssl_cert = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/
ssl_key = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/
ssl_ca = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
verify_certs = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
#verify_certs = 1

windows inventory file:
servertest. pate. net
servertest2. pate. net


Please let me know what else I can provide to help make this effective and contribute!
Logs? etc?

Iā€™ve yet to attempt WinRM. Because SSH is so much more simple to stand up on windows now.

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Weā€™d need to see the contents of /var/log/foreman/production.log around the time the callback has submitted the data and got the 500 error when uploading facts.

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did a fresh run and tail -f of the log file.
Hope that helps.

prodlog.log (14.0 KB)

Thanks, yes, this is helpful (at least a bit).

The interesting section from that log is:

2021-10-14T23:25:15 [I|app|aa51d761] Started POST "/api/v2/hosts/facts" for at 2021-10-14 23:25:15 -0700
2021-10-14T23:25:15 [I|app|aa51d761] Processing by Api::V2::HostsController#facts as JSON
2021-10-14T23:25:15 [I|app|aa51d761]   Parameters: {"name"=>"", "facts"=>"[FILTERED]", "apiv"=>"v2", "host"=>{"name"=>""}}
2021-10-14T23:25:15 [I|app|aa51d761] Import facts for '' completed. Added: 0, Updated: 16, Deleted 0 facts
2021-10-14T23:25:15 [W|app|aa51d761] Action failed
2021-10-14T23:25:15 [I|app|aa51d761] Backtrace for 'Action failed' error (NoMethodError): undefined method `match' for #<ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess:0x000055e580b78930>
 aa51d761 | /usr/share/foreman/app/services/fact_parser.rb:221:in `block in remove_ignored'
 aa51d761 | /usr/share/foreman/app/services/fact_parser.rb:220:in `delete_if'
 aa51d761 | /usr/share/foreman/app/services/fact_parser.rb:220:in `remove_ignored'
 aa51d761 | /usr/share/foreman/app/services/fact_parser.rb:77:in `interfaces'
 aa51d761 | /usr/share/foreman/app/services/fact_parser.rb:92:in `suggested_primary_interface'
 aa51d761 | /usr/share/foreman/app/models/host/base.rb:152:in `primary_interface_type'
 aa51d761 | /usr/share/foreman/app/models/host/base.rb:158:in `populate_fields_from_facts'
 aa51d761 | /usr/share/foreman/app/models/host/managed.rb:489:in `populate_fields_from_facts'
 aa51d761 | /usr/share/foreman/app/services/host_fact_importer.rb:50:in `block (2 levels) in parse_facts'
 aa51d761 | /usr/share/foreman/app/services/foreman/telemetry_helper.rb:27:in `telemetry_duration_histogram'
 aa51d761 | /usr/share/foreman/app/services/host_fact_importer.rb:49:in `block in parse_facts'
 aa51d761 | /usr/share/foreman/app/services/host_fact_importer.rb:90:in `block in skipping_orchestration'
 aa51d761 | /usr/share/foreman/app/models/concerns/orchestration.rb:124:in `without_orchestration'
 aa51d761 | /usr/share/foreman/app/services/host_fact_importer.rb:89:in `skipping_orchestration'
 aa51d761 | /usr/share/foreman/app/services/host_fact_importer.rb:45:in `parse_facts'
 aa51d761 | /usr/share/foreman/app/services/host_fact_importer.rb:34:in `import_facts'
 aa51d761 | /usr/share/foreman/app/controllers/api/v2/hosts_controller.rb:310:in `facts'

Which indicates at this section in the code:

Now why it is getting a HashWithIndifferentAccess there, is a good questionā€¦

Can you capture those facts and attach them too?

We havenā€™t tried this with facts from Windows, thatā€™s why. Who knows what Ansible sends thereā€¦

So to make things a little more ā€œODDā€ā€¦
I manually created the host in Foreman. (set hostname, mac address, etcā€¦) very basic.

ran a playbook to basic install of some apps via choco.
same error 500 message.

Facts were uploaded to the Manually created host.

@lzap are you asking me for the facts pre failure when setup is ran?

Yeah, our code assumes a fact that is a string and your facts do appear to have a hash there. Something is very different on Windows, I assume.

Hah, this was actually reported in the past:


How difficult will it be for allowing the name ā€œEthernetā€ and ā€œEthernet #xā€ to setup?

Facts info:
setup-facts.log (14.0 KB)

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The problem is not the name of the interface, but the fact (lol) that on Linux, Ansible reports the interfaces as ['lo', 'eth0'] (= a list of strings), while on Windows itā€™s [{'connection_name':'Ethernet', ā€¦}] (= a list of hashes), and our code doesnā€™t cope with the later :frowning:

I do not have time for full implementation of NIC parsing for Windows, however, I see you are blocked by this therefore I propose that Ansible parser returns no interfaces:

That should unblock you, please test and report back.

Thanks @lzap Iā€™ll attempt the pull a little later (busy with at my workplace)
Expect a report back in a few days.

I have about 600+ windows systems (and about 2000 linux) that need imported in my production environment. so this would be a huge lifesaver.

FYI, OpenSSH server on Windows + Ansible is exceptionally streamlined and useful. Way easier to setup than WinRM instances.
Happy to provide windows side erb of ssh setup script I have when completed.


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So how was the testing?

Not so great @lzapā€¦

My virt enviroment for test cases took a bad poweroutage and Iā€™m reconstructing it all. (better than production though! hah!)

Hey, Iā€™m not really the best PRā€™s from Git, what it the best method in pulling said changes for verification? Or should I be standing a new foreman-devl instance up for changes?

It is as easy as:

cd /usr/share/foreman
patch -p1 < 8848.patch

Or you can just locate the app/services/ansible_fact_parser.rb and add the line which you can see in the patch diff view. It was a one line change, all the rest are just tests. Restart foreman afterwards.

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Appreciate it. will test later today and report.


Patch didnā€™t like to apply, so I added the 1 line:

return [] if facts[:ansible_os_family] == 'Windows'

Still receive the 500 error. system doesnt populate in foreman. (unless pre-populated)

What kind of error do you get? Please pastebin it here again.

No ansible -m setup errors outside the 500 error when ranā€¦

hereā€™s the prod log.

prodlog2.log (23.4 KB)

foreman-rake console does show machine, but it never is inputted into the UI if not pre-populated prior to running setup.

irb(main):002:0> Host.find_by_name(ā€œpatetest2.guest.pate.netā€)
=> #<Host::Managed id: 16, name: ā€œpatetest2.guest.pate.netā€, last_compile: nil, last_report: [FILTERED], updated_at: ā€œ2021-11-03 17:16:00ā€, created_at: ā€œ2021-11-03 17:16:00ā€, root_pass: nil,ā€¦