Ansible Meetup Pune

Hi Everyone,

We have collaborated with the Ansible Meetup folks and come up with the following
agenda for the next months Ansible Meetup! :slight_smile:

The description mentioned on the Ansible Meetup says:

We are happy to announce an upcoming Ansible Meetup on 11th May Saturday @ Talentica Software India Pvt. Ltd. !

This meetup focuses on some important topics in Ansible such as ansible-vault, error handling in playbook and also we’ll look into what is Foreman and Ansible integration with it.

Here’s how you can expect the meetup to unfold:

"Securing Your Password Using Ansible Vault"

"Error Handling In Ansible Playbook"

“Introduction To Foreman - A Life-cycle Management Tool” by Amit Upadhye

"Ansible Integration With Foreman " by Raashika Raghuwanshi

RSVP now!!! Save the date!! Space is very limited!

If you have any idea on “How to implement Ansible with industry use cases” and if you want to share your knowledge - Contact us directly:

Looking forward to see you all on 11th May for a likely meetup event of endless possibilities and deep insights.

Checkout Ansible-Pune Home page for details on venue location and RSVP. Do reach out to me if you have any queries.

If you are nearby then feel free to drop by and say a hello!


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Are the talks going to be recorded? I’d like to see the last one :slight_smile:

I am not very sure about the recording, but I can ask the Ansible meetup organiser about the same :slight_smile: