Auto-bonding via discovery not working

I’ve set-up discovery and was happy to learn that a feature called “auto-bonding” made the cut. I enabled the discovery_auto_bond in the global settings. For what I understand in the brief description, it should be bonded, as soon as is detected that multiple interfaces or on the same (lldp-enabled) switch (although for redundancy, this would probably make more sense to be on different switches?).

I tested in 2 scenarios (I have 3 NICs):

  • 2 NICs on single switch, 3rd NIC as provisioning interface
  • 2 NICs on single switch, one of these is used as provisioning interface

Looking at was has been discovered, it seems as if it has been detected to be on the same switch:

Expected outcome:
The 2 NICs on the same switch are bonded

Foreman and Proxy versions:

Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:
Discovery 14.0 / Discovery Proxy 1.0.4

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This was contributed by Thomas Gelf, probably reach out to him? His email is in git, I have no clue how this is supposed to work.


You can also refer to the commit:

Let me have a look at it and get back to you :slight_smile:


Correction, I’ve reviewed the code, but I could not test this as I don’t have any switches with LLDP. If you have an idea how to set this up with libvirt, that would be great.

Hey @lzap, I’ll see if I can make some easy to recreate test-environment using some virtual solution.
Meanwhile I’ve also reviewed the code, I think it makes sense but seems to make an assumption that this is also the primary interface. Anyway, even working the assumption (so making the bonded interface my primary interface) didn’t resolve the issue so must be something more to it.

But, first things first, will try and make a controlled environment. (or send a huawei switch as a belated christmas gift? :p)

Hello in 2023! I got really excited founding this from the docs but was disappointed that didn’t work in our environment. Is there any tips for any of us to troubleshoot this further? :pray: