Auto Discovery Could not find a provider

Hi Foreman Support,

When auto discovering a host I see:

Import facts for ‘tania-tmtest0002’ completed. Added: 0, Updated: 0, Deleted 0 facts
2023-12-11T08:43:05 [I|app|a50e8966] Detected IPv4 subnet: with taxonomy [“My_Compnay”]/[“My_Location”]
2023-12-11T08:43:05 [I|app|a50e8966] Assigned location: My_Location
2023-12-11T08:43:05 [I|app|a50e8966] Assigned organization: My_Company
2023-12-11T08:43:05 [I|app|a50e8966] ForemanWebhooks::EventSubscriber: host_facts_updated.event.foreman event received
2023-12-11T08:43:05 [I|app|a50e8966] Match found for host tania-tmtest0002 (688) rule My_Location (2)
2023-12-11T08:43:05 [W|app|a50e8966] Could not find a provider for . Providers returned {“Katello::ManagedContentMediumProvider”=>[“Kickstart repository was not set for host ‘’”, “Content source was not set for host ‘’”], “MediumProviders::Default”=>[“Operating system was not set for host ‘’”, " medium was not set for host ‘’", “Invalid medium ‘’ for ‘’”, “Invalid architecture ‘’ for ‘’”]}
2023-12-11T08:43:05 [I|app|a50e8966] Hostgroup has no content view assigned; using host’s existing content view
2023-12-11T08:43:05 [I|app|a50e8966] Hostgroup has no lifecycle environment assigned; using host’s existing lifecycle environment
2023-12-11T08:43:05 [W|app|a50e8966] Scoped order is ignored, it’s forced to be batch order.
2023-12-11T08:43:05 [W|app|a50e8966] Not queueing Host::Managed: [“Name can’t be blank”, “Name hostname can contain only lowercase letters, numbers, dashes and dots according to RFC921, RFC952 and RFC1123”, “Name can contain only lowercase letters, numbers, dashes and dots.”]

If I then go to the Discovered Host page, and click provision. I see my hostgroup is blank, and I assign it , and then provisioning continues as normal.

My discovery rule pointing to my hostgroup finds the discovered host in discovered host page.

This was working prior to upgrading foreman 3.8.0 and katello 4.10.0

Has anyone any ideas on how to fix this?

Many Thanks,