Browser Locale translation issues

So I've been working on identifying why Sat6Beta UI translates unsupported languages into Spanish/French/Japanese etc if Browser Locale is the chosen language in Admin User settings. It wasn't the case in development before this past week. However, today I've noted a few issues since pulling down the latest updates from Foreman:

When rolling back prior to the above commit, if I have my browser language set to Russian (or other unsupported languages) and in Browser Locale in User Settings, everything is in English. After it has been committed, many of the pages (ie Sync Status) translate into Portuguese. I don't understand why adding a translation file would change the default translation of unsupported languages from English to Portuguese, but that's what is happening.

After updating to this commit certain translations throw errors. It seems specific to time translations and Portuguese (or the unsupported language in browser + browser locale in user settings combination, since this defaults to Portuguese). For example, if trying to explicitly set language to Portuguese in User settings, it will fail when trying to translate last login time.

There are also interesting situations where explicitly setting user language to English, with browser settings to Japanese will return a English and Japanese combination, but this does not seem to be affected by rolling back to before these two commits. I do think we might want to revert the above commits and test the routing of these language translations better before merging them again? All feedback is emphatically appreciated!

Please file bugs and we can fix them. I won't revert commits in develop
unless the bugs are unfixable.

··· On 28/07/14 22:21, Christine Fouant wrote: > There are also interesting situations where explicitly setting user language to English, with browser settings to Japanese will return a English and Japanese combination, but this does not seem to be affected by rolling back to before these two commits. I do think we might want to revert the above commits and test the routing of these language translations better before merging them again? All feedback is emphatically appreciated!

Dominic Cleal
Red Hat Engineering

There was a broken printf substitution in the Portuguese translation,
which I've fixed along with a couple more in other locales.

··· On 28/07/14 22:21, Christine Fouant wrote: > After updating to this commit certain translations throw errors. It seems specific to time translations and Portuguese (or the unsupported language in browser + browser locale in user settings combination, since this defaults to Portuguese). For example, if trying to explicitly set language to Portuguese in User settings, it will fail when trying to translate last login time.

Dominic Cleal
Red Hat Engineering