Building host fails with Exit Code 8 on preseeding if second domain is used


I am provisioning hosts with PXE and preseed. I got multiple Domains that belong to one subnet. This subnet has a DHCP-server managed by foreman.



If I build a host with domain 1 the setup process is running fine. If I use the second domain, I am getting this error:

A strange issue:

In foreman, the new host, in this example “” is built and after preseeding a second host is being added to foreman which is called

Bildschirmfoto 2021-04-14 um 18.03.41

I am using the default templates for the OS:

This is the foreman-log:

2021-04-14T18:19:25 [I|app|26f7640b] Completed 200 OK in 6ms (Views: 0.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.8ms | Allocations: 2129)
2021-04-14T18:19:35 [I|app|0dc79971] Started GET "/notification_recipients" for at 2021-04-14 18:19:35 +0200
2021-04-14T18:19:35 [I|app|0dc79971] Processing by NotificationRecipientsController#index as JSON
2021-04-14T18:19:35 [I|app|0dc79971] Completed 200 OK in 6ms (Views: 0.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.7ms | Allocations: 2129)
2021-04-14T18:19:46 [I|app|eb6c507d] Started GET "/unattended/provision" for at 2021-04-14 18:19:46 +0200
2021-04-14T18:19:46 [I|app|eb6c507d] Processing by UnattendedController#host_template as TEXT
2021-04-14T18:19:46 [I|app|eb6c507d]   Parameters: {"kind"=>"provision"}
2021-04-14T18:19:46 [I|app|eb6c507d]   Rendering text template
2021-04-14T18:19:46 [I|app|eb6c507d]   Rendered text template (Duration: 0.0ms | Allocations: 2)
2021-04-14T18:19:46 [I|app|eb6c507d] Completed 200 OK in 86ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 11.9ms | Allocations: 63201)
2021-04-14T18:20:19 [I|app|2e147deb] Started GET "/" for at 2021-04-14 18:20:19 +0200
2021-04-14T18:20:19 [I|app|2e147deb] Processing by DashboardController#index as HTML
2021-04-14T18:20:19 [I|app|2e147deb] Redirected to
2021-04-14T18:20:19 [I|app|2e147deb] Filter chain halted as :require_login rendered or redirected
2021-04-14T18:20:19 [I|app|2e147deb] Completed 302 Found in 5ms (ActiveRecord: 1.2ms | Allocations: 1312)
2021-04-14T18:21:48 [I|app|24ec22dc] Started GET "/node/" for at 2021-04-14 18:21:48 +0200
2021-04-14T18:21:48 [I|app|24ec22dc] Processing by HostsController#externalNodes as YML
2021-04-14T18:21:48 [I|app|24ec22dc]   Parameters: {"name"=>""}
2021-04-14T18:21:48 [I|app|24ec22dc]   Rendering text template
2021-04-14T18:21:48 [I|app|24ec22dc]   Rendered text template (Duration: 0.0ms | Allocations: 3)
2021-04-14T18:21:48 [I|app|24ec22dc] Completed 200 OK in 53ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 10.3ms | Allocations: 21099)
2021-04-14T18:21:49 [I|app|5ad8c245] Started POST "/api/hosts/facts" for at 2021-04-14 18:21:49 +0200
2021-04-14T18:21:49 [I|app|5ad8c245] Processing by Api::V2::HostsController#facts as JSON
2021-04-14T18:21:49 [I|app|5ad8c245]   Parameters: {"facts"=>"[FILTERED]", "name"=>"", "certname"=>"", "apiv"=>"v2", "host"=>{"certname"=>"", "name"=>""}}
2021-04-14T18:21:49 [I|app|5ad8c245] Import facts for '' completed. Added: 0, Updated: 14, Deleted 0 facts
2021-04-14T18:21:49 [I|app|5ad8c245] Completed 201 Created in 443ms (Views: 2.1ms | ActiveRecord: 105.9ms | Allocations: 180547)
2021-04-14T18:21:49 [I|app|f813e051] Started GET "/node/" for at 2021-04-14 18:21:49 +0200
2021-04-14T18:21:49 [I|app|f813e051] Processing by HostsController#externalNodes as YML
2021-04-14T18:21:49 [I|app|f813e051]   Parameters: {"name"=>""}
2021-04-14T18:21:49 [I|app|f813e051]   Rendering text template
2021-04-14T18:21:49 [I|app|f813e051]   Rendered text template (Duration: 0.0ms | Allocations: 3)
2021-04-14T18:21:49 [I|app|f813e051] Completed 200 OK in 44ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 8.7ms | Allocations: 20121)
2021-04-14T18:21:50 [I|app|957c38f2] Started POST "/api/config_reports" for at 2021-04-14 18:21:50 +0200
2021-04-14T18:21:50 [I|app|957c38f2] Processing by Api::V2::ConfigReportsController#create as JSON
2021-04-14T18:21:50 [I|app|957c38f2]   Parameters: {"config_report"=>"[FILTERED]", "apiv"=>"v2"}
2021-04-14T18:21:50 [I|app|957c38f2] Scanning report with: Foreman::PuppetReportScanner
2021-04-14T18:21:50 [I|app|957c38f2] Imported report for in 18.6 ms, status refreshed in 7.6 ms
2021-04-14T18:21:50 [I|app|957c38f2]   Rendering api/v2/config_reports/create.json.rabl
2021-04-14T18:21:50 [I|app|957c38f2]   Rendered api/v2/config_reports/create.json.rabl (Duration: 6.3ms | Allocations: 5879)
2021-04-14T18:21:50 [I|app|957c38f2] Completed 201 Created in 44ms (Views: 7.0ms | ActiveRecord: 9.4ms | Allocations: 19456)
2021-04-14T18:22:03 [I|app|ce99c8a5] Started GET "/unattended/finish" for at 2021-04-14 18:22:03 +0200
2021-04-14T18:22:03 [I|app|ce99c8a5] Processing by UnattendedController#host_template as TEXT
2021-04-14T18:22:03 [I|app|ce99c8a5]   Parameters: {"kind"=>"finish"}
2021-04-14T18:22:03 [I|app|ce99c8a5]   Rendering text template
2021-04-14T18:22:03 [I|app|ce99c8a5]   Rendered text template (Duration: 0.0ms | Allocations: 2)
2021-04-14T18:22:03 [I|app|ce99c8a5] Completed 200 OK in 190ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 16.7ms | Allocations: 166628)
2021-04-14T18:22:14 [I|app|012cf7b5] Started GET "/node/" for at 2021-04-14 18:22:14 +0200
2021-04-14T18:22:14 [I|app|012cf7b5] Processing by HostsController#externalNodes as YML
2021-04-14T18:22:14 [I|app|012cf7b5]   Parameters: {"name"=>""}
2021-04-14T18:22:14 [I|app|012cf7b5]   Rendering text template
2021-04-14T18:22:14 [I|app|012cf7b5]   Rendered text template (Duration: 0.0ms | Allocations: 2)
2021-04-14T18:22:14 [I|app|012cf7b5] Completed 200 OK in 61ms (Views: 0.6ms | ActiveRecord: 9.1ms | Allocations: 20004)
2021-04-14T18:22:14 [I|app|49fa9b35] Started POST "/api/hosts/facts" for at 2021-04-14 18:22:14 +0200
2021-04-14T18:22:14 [I|app|49fa9b35] Processing by Api::V2::HostsController#facts as JSON
2021-04-14T18:22:14 [I|app|49fa9b35]   Parameters: {"facts"=>"[FILTERED]", "name"=>"", "certname"=>"", "apiv"=>"v2", "host"=>{"certname"=>"", "name"=>""}}
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|app|49fa9b35] Import facts for '' completed. Added: 269, Updated: 0, Deleted 0 facts
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on mac 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on ip 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on type Nic::Managed
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on name
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on host_id 36
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on subnet_id 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on domain_id 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on attrs {}
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on provider 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on username 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on password [redacted]
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on virtual false
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on link true
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on identifier 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on tag 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on attached_to 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on managed true
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on mode balance-rr
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on attached_devices 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on bond_options 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on primary true
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on provision true
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on compute_attributes {}
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on ip6 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) create event on subnet6_id 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on name
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on root_pass 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on architecture_id 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on operatingsystem_id 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on environment_id 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on ptable_id 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on medium_id 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on build false
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on comment 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on disk 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on installed_at 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on model_id 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on hostgroup_id 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on owner_id 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on owner_type 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on enabled true
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on puppet_ca_proxy_id 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on managed false
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on use_image 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on image_file 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on uuid 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on compute_resource_id 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on puppet_proxy_id 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on certname
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on image_id 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on organization_id 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on location_id 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on otp 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on realm_id 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on compute_profile_id 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on provision_method 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on grub_pass 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on pxe_loader 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on initiated_at 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) create event on build_errors 
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) update event on mac , 36:d2:63:25:6e:2c
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) update event on domain_id , 1
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Nic::Managed (37) update event on identifier , ens18
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) update event on architecture_id , 1
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) update event on operatingsystem_id , 1
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) update event on environment_id , 1
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) update event on model_id , 1
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) update event on puppet_ca_proxy_id , 1
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) update event on puppet_proxy_id , 1
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) update event on organization_id , 1
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|aud|49fa9b35] Host::Base (36) update event on location_id , 2
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|app|49fa9b35] Completed 201 Created in 941ms (Views: 1.3ms | ActiveRecord: 281.0ms | Allocations: 378668)
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|app|4f7c1408] Started GET "/node/" for at 2021-04-14 18:22:15 +0200
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|app|4f7c1408] Processing by HostsController#externalNodes as YML
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|app|4f7c1408]   Parameters: {"name"=>""}
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|app|4f7c1408]   Rendering text template
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|app|4f7c1408]   Rendered text template (Duration: 0.0ms | Allocations: 3)
2021-04-14T18:22:15 [I|app|4f7c1408] Completed 200 OK in 38ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 7.2ms | Allocations: 17412)
2021-04-14T18:22:16 [I|app|c599c230] Started POST "/api/config_reports" for at 2021-04-14 18:22:16 +0200
2021-04-14T18:22:16 [I|app|c599c230] Processing by Api::V2::ConfigReportsController#create as JSON
2021-04-14T18:22:16 [I|app|c599c230]   Parameters: {"config_report"=>"[FILTERED]", "apiv"=>"v2"}
2021-04-14T18:22:16 [I|app|c599c230] Scanning report with: Foreman::PuppetReportScanner
2021-04-14T18:22:16 [I|app|c599c230] Imported report for in 16.8 ms, status refreshed in 7.2 ms
2021-04-14T18:22:16 [I|app|c599c230]   Rendering api/v2/config_reports/create.json.rabl
2021-04-14T18:22:16 [I|app|c599c230]   Rendered api/v2/config_reports/create.json.rabl (Duration: 5.4ms | Allocations: 5877)
2021-04-14T18:22:16 [I|app|c599c230] Completed 201 Created in 41ms (Views: 6.3ms | ActiveRecord: 8.5ms | Allocations: 19518)
2021-04-14T18:22:17 [I|app|56ea42a1] Started POST "/unattended/built" for at 2021-04-14 18:22:17 +0200
2021-04-14T18:22:17 [I|app|56ea42a1] Processing by UnattendedController#built as TEXT
2021-04-14T18:22:17 [W|app|56ea42a1] Multiple hosts found with or [], picking up the most recent
2021-04-14T18:22:17 [I|app|56ea42a1] Completed 405 Method Not Allowed in 12ms (ActiveRecord: 3.1ms | Allocations: 3483)

This line is the one I don’t understand:

Parameters: {"facts"=>"[FILTERED]", "name"=>"", "certname"=>"", "apiv"=>"v2", "host"=>{"certname"=>"", "name"=>""}}

Foreman and Proxy versions:

  • 2.4

Distribution and version:

  • Debian 10

** Additional information **


Subnets FRA1 (

Domains,, and


TFTP server false

Seems like it’s not possible using DHCP as IPAM for two domains using the same subnet. Changed it to internal db, which works fine now.

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