By changing Global parameters with Host parameters all changed parameters are empty only the last one is filled

After upgrade to Foreman 3.0.1 i have a problem. By changing Global parameters with Host parameters all changed parameters are empty only the last one is filled with name and value.

Expected outcome:

Foreman and Proxy versions:
Foreman 3.0.1
Katello 4.2.1
Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:

Distribution and version:

Other relevant data:

I have the same issue with Foreman 3.0.1 and Katello 4.2.1. This appears to be an issue with the user interface only and how attribute inheritance is managed (multiple browsers tested). As a workaround though, you can still use the command line to make changes and the override properly works. For example, to override a boolean hostgroup parameter on a specific host:

hammer host set-parameter --host hostname --name myparameter --parameter-type boolean --value true

You can also use the following to update the values on hostgroups:

hammer hostgroup set-parameter

As this is a little less convenient than the UI, it is at least a workaround until a fix has been implemented.

As a workaround you can manually type each change.

In some of my testing, manually typing the desired values into the empty fields on a host would return an error stating that the value was already set, implying the override wasn’t being enforced and a collision was occurring with the value from the host group parameters. This is why I used hammer so the inheritance relationship was properly handled.

I’m experiencing the same issue on Foreman 3.2 running on Ubuntu 20.04.

I was wondering if there’re any updates/fixes/workarounds for this? Using hammer as a workaround isn’t feasible for my users who will be using Foreman for deployment. I could get the users to add each parameter but it then doubles the chances for a typo (name and value).
