Cannot delete record because of dependent hostgroups

I'm trying to upgrade foreman to version 3.2.

[root@theforeman ~]# foreman-rake katello:upgrade_check
This script makes no modifications and can be re-run multiple times for the
most up to date results.
Checking upgradeability…

Checking for running tasks…
[FAIL] - There are 43 active tasks
Those tasks are error like mentioned above. But there is no way to cancel
this task and resume doesn't help.

Are there other ways to cancel tasks?


I would suggest you find that hostgroup and associate it to a different
content view, then try resuming the tasks.


John Mitsch
Red Hat Engineering
irc: jomitsch

··· On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 4:22 AM, 'Denis Müller' via Foreman users <> wrote:

I’m trying to upgrade foreman to version 3.2.

[root@theforeman ~]# foreman-rake katello:upgrade_check
This script makes no modifications and can be re-run multiple times for
the most up to date results.
Checking upgradeability…

Checking for running tasks…
[FAIL] - There are 43 active tasks
Those tasks are error like mentioned above. But there is no way to cancel
this task and resume doesn’t help.

Are there other ways to cancel tasks?

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