Can't update smart-proxy location through the Foreman Webui

In the foreman WebUI, when editing a smart proxy (Infrastructure>Smart Proxies>>Edit), all the locations used by at least one host are selected by default. When I point the mouse cursor on one of these locations, it says “This is used by an host.”

This is inconsistent with the hammer command output:
[root@foremanmaster ~]# hammer proxy info --id 4 | grep -A2 Locations

Right now, I can update the location of my proxies with the “hammer proxy update --new-location” command, but it is impossible to do so from the WebUI.
Is this a bug or is there something I misunderstand about the smart-proxies’ configuration ?

Steps to reproduce:
Create several locations and assigns at least one host to each location.
Install a smart-proxy, and attach it to your master.
Try to edit your proxy’s location from the foreman WebUI.

Foreman and Proxy versions:
Foreman Master Version 3.7.0 © 2009-2023
Foreman proxy Version 3.7.0
Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.8 (Ootpa)