Case Study - Discovery and Custom Portals with Imri Zvik and Elad Shmitanka

Hi all,

Today we held another Foreman Case Study, this time with Imri and Elad from
MyHeritage. We chatted about their use and contributions to Discovery, and
how they've written a custom extension to Foreman to give a simplified
self-service VM portal to their developers.

Somehow, I totally failed to send this event (
Foreman :: Foreman Events)
to the list in advance - my apologies! Hopefully you found it via one of
the other channels (Twitter/G+/our events page).

If you didn't get a chance to watch live, the recording is at

As ever, questions/comments/suggestions are welcome here or on the YouTube
comments. Imri and Elad have expressed an interest in making the
self-service portal into a proper plugin, so if that's something you'd be
interested in, let us know!


ยทยทยท -- Greg IRC: gwmngilfen