CentOS 8.4 BaseOS Sync error

You are right… After looking closely at the logs its seems that i am running into the same problem described here (Issues with one specific repsository [Foreman 2.5 / Katello 4] - pulp) with an error - raise asyncio.TimeoutError from None\n". Funny thing is that if i run Advanched Sync \ Validate Content Sync, all goes well without issues but notning is downloaded.

I did a fresh install, and overlooked that CentOS Base hadn’t sync’ed correctly.
Of course, promoting a content-view with a repo like this is hanging.

This is my biggest gripe with Foreman as-is: it’s almost impossible to get out of a situation like that without re-installing.

Maybe, if you are a developer and know what you’re doing.

Well, I have just updated 4.1.2 and it fixes those issues. With 4.1.1 even a reinstallation would really help you. All you had to do is wait for 4.1.2. I know it’s annoying. For me is was 8 days in standby with no updates through katello. I had to install some security updates through the upstream repos. Katello 4.1.1 was very unfortunate. But still, I don’t see the need for aggressive measure like reinstalling the whole server… So far, all issues eventually were resolved through updates…

Did you install from nightly? As far as I can see, it hasn’t been released yet, officially.

No. I am using the official repositories for 2.5/4.1. It’s not officially announced, yet, but it’s in the repositories:


containing katello-4.1.2 and most importantly pulp-rpm 3.14.0.

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It seems it does only exist for CentOS 7.
Which explains why it doesn’t show up for me.

Ah, now it’s there…

However, pulp-rpm 3.14.0 is still missing in the EL8 pulpcore repo.

Yup. Better wait a little longer.

Not jumping the gun this time.

Is it me or is pulp-rpm 3.14 still missing from the repo?
Or am I just not looking at the right place?

@jeremylenz pulp-rpm 3.14.0 is still missing from the EL8 repo. Is there a reason for that?

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I have pulpcore 3.14.1 but still issues with AlmaLinux. Sync works fine but publishing cv always fails with:

Error message: the server returns an error HTTP status code: 400 Response headers: {“Date”=>“Mon, 02 Aug 2021 08:24:26 GMT”, “Server”=>“gunicorn”, “Content-Type”=>“application/json”, “Vary”=>“Accept,Cookie”, “Allow”=>“GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS”, “X-Frame-Options”=>“SAMEORIGIN”, “Content-Length”=>“112”, “Correlation-ID”=>“ab04c0ee-998a-41f9-b09a-5978300134a6”, “Access-Control-Expose-Headers”=>“Correlation-ID”, “Via”=>“1.1 fm.ba.valantic.com”, “Connection”=>“close”} Response body: [“URI /pulp/api/v3/publications/rpm/rpm/d1cadba3-366d-4503-81e8-027227878097/ not found for repositoryversion.”]

You need to update. pulpcore 3.14.3 is the latest. And more importantly, you also need the latest pulp-rpm version 3.14.0.

If your server is running el8 those are still missing in the repositories…

Yes this installation is on el8, looks like i have to wait for that update.

I also run repair.py from Issue #9107: filelists and changelog metadata is not parsed properly - Pulp saves incorrect filelists and changelog metadata and generates incorrect metadata - RPM Support - Pulp, found hugh amount of broken metadata.

You can run the repair script several times. There may also be some packages which “look broken” but in fact are not, thus you may end up with a constant number of packages to be repaired.

Basically each time you sync new packages from remote repositories into your foreman server with the broken pulp-rpm 3.13 version you’ll need to run the repair script to fix the missing filelists and changelogs. With pulp-rpm 3.14 the filelists are synced correctly again and thus one last repair run should fix the remaining broken packages.

As a fellow AlmaLinux User, do you have any issue with packages shown as “to update” but there is nothing to apply? i have this issue with several perl appstreams for example perl-IO-Socket-SSL?

This has nothing to do with this topic. There is a topic on the applicability problem with katello 4.

It seems that no new pulpcore is coming to 2.5.
Everybody busy working on 2.6/3.0, I assume.
I relented and installed CentOS 7. I still get that error on first sync, but if I re-sync it works.

pulpcore is independent from the foreman/katello version. 3.14 is the latest version. IMHO the missing pulp-rpm for el8 is a packaging issue.

Maybe create an issue at Issues - Foreman

O.K. @iballo mentioned it’s work in progress: Unable to sync some repositories (AlmaLinux in this case) - #18 by iballou

It’s there now: https://yum.theforeman.org/pulpcore/3.14/el8/x86_64/python3-pulp-rpm-3.14.0-1.el8.noarch.rpm

To whom it may concern: after the update you should probably restart foreman to make pulp use the new version and also don’t forget to run the repair script from Issue #9107: filelists and changelog metadata is not parsed properly - Pulp saves incorrect filelists and changelog metadata and generates incorrect metadata - RPM Support - Pulp to fix all that broken metadata in the database…

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