CentOS host cannot subscribe to repositories

After a fair amount of discussion with Jonathon Turel, & testing, there’s a small opportunity for problems with custom (non-RedHat) products. In short, custom products created between Jan. 1, 2020 and the installation of Katello 3.14.1 leaves a problem value in cp_pool:enddate (Jan. 1, 2050 or greater.) This is one of the issues that lead to the 3.14.1 release.

To find out if you’re in this scope:

sudo su - postgres -c “psql -d candlepin -c “select id,enddate from cp_pool where enddate > ‘2049-12-31 00:00:00’;””

If this returns one or more rows, there are at least 2 remediation options.

  1. Drop and recreate your products that were originally created during the scope window.
  2. Follow the procedure from @taylor1 above.

Any clients that have been registered to use products with the enddate issue will need to be reregistered.