[CFP] Reminder for upcoming Calls for Presentations (FOSDEM/CfgMgmt/DevConf)

Hi all,
(apologies for cross-posting)

Just a quick reminder, Foreman's busiest conference season is fast
approaching (Jan/Feb) and the CFPs close fairly soon. Please do submit
talks to any (or all!) of these - talks of all types are welcome, so
do submit those cool plugins or from-the-trenches user stories :slight_smile:

In closing-date order then:

  • ConfigMgmtCamp 16 - closes Nov 15th [this week]
  • DevConf 16 - closes November 30th
  • FOSDEM ConfigMgmt track - closes Dec 1st


  • FOSDEM Virtualization / IaaS track - closes Dec 1st


(both Fosdem tracks are actually submitted through the FOSDEM
Pentabarf system, but the above links give more info and context)

If you're not sure if your submission is suitable - submit it anyway!
But if you really need to soundcheck it wth someone, you can find me
on IRC and I'm always listening :wink:

··· -- Greg IRC: gwmngilfen