Hello, everybody! I'm trying to clone on the command-line and written
this little rake task to do so:
namespace :hosts do
task :clone => :environment do
host_a = Host.find_by_name(ENV['HOSTA'])
host_b = host_a.clone
host_b['name'] = ENV['HOSTB']
host_b['mac'] = ENV['MAC']
host_b['ip'] = ENV['IP']
calling rake like so seems to do the trick:
sudo -u foreman rake hosts:clone HOSTA=test1.collmedia.net
HOSTB=clone.collmedia.net MAC=08002732E78E IP=
Again, this seems to work, but I'm skeptical . . . Do any of you
people know if anything is missing here, or if this will actually
produce a clone, just like the UI?
Oh! And does anyone know how I can not require the IP on the
command-line, but get it via proxy instead?
Thanks a lot,
Guy Matz
I was able to get something working by adding this as a task in my
hosts.rake. Suggestions are appreciated . . .
desc "Clone a machine. See source for instructions"
Clone a to b and get an IP from Foreman proxy
#sudo -u foreman RAILS_ENV=production rake hosts:clone
b.example.net MAC=08002732E78F
CLone a to b, specifying an IP
#sudo -u foreman RAILS_ENV=production rake hosts:clone
b.example.net MAC=08002732E78F IP=
task :clone => :environment do
a = ENV['HOSTA']
b = ENV['HOSTB']
mac = ENV['MAC']
ip = ENV['IP'] || nil
# find host a . . .
host_a = Host.find_by_name(a)
if host_a.nil?
puts "Error cloning #{ENV['HOSTA']}: Can't find #{a}"
exit 1
# Clone a to b . . .
host_b = host_a.clone
host_b['name'] = b
host_b['mac'] = mac
# Give host b an IP address (either from CLI or looked up)
unless host_b['ip'] = ip
s = Subnet.find_by_id(host_b[:subnet_id])
host_b['ip'] = s.unused_ip
# Save the new host and set it as "buildable"
rescue => e
puts "Error cloning #{a}: #{e.message}"
exit 1
puts "#{b} created with IP #{host_b['ip']}"
On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 5:28 PM, Guy Matz wrote:
Hello, everybody! I’m trying to clone on the command-line and written
this little rake task to do so:
namespace :hosts do
task :clone => :environment do
host_a = Host.find_by_name(ENV[‘HOSTA’])
host_b = host_a.clone
host_b[‘name’] = ENV[‘HOSTB’]
host_b[‘mac’] = ENV[‘MAC’]
host_b[‘ip’] = ENV[‘IP’]
calling rake like so seems to do the trick:
sudo -u foreman rake hosts:clone HOSTA=test1.collmedia.net
HOSTB=clone.collmedia.net MAC=08002732E78E IP=
Again, this seems to work, but I’m skeptical . . . Do any of you
people know if anything is missing here, or if this will actually
produce a clone, just like the UI?
Oh! And does anyone know how I can not require the IP on the
command-line, but get it via proxy instead?
Thanks a lot,
Guy Matz
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