Hi, recently I was successfully use the cloudinit the deploy with Centos 9
(Cloud-init Issue with VMware)
And this time I am planning to work with Rocky9. However, I am not sure why the VM cannot get the cloud-init template and applies it itself.
Basically 99.5% same ks.cfg for Roky9 and create the operating system in foreman and apply the same Provisioning templates to my host. But it could not get the config.
I checked the /var/lib/cloud/instances/ → it gives me the iid-datasource-none and all the files in the directory are blank.
Is there anything I needed to updated in Foreman so that it applies on my Rocky9?
I already tried disabling the firewalld in my ks.cfg
Expected outcome:
It works as charm with CentOS 9
Foreman and Proxy versions:
Foreman 3.10, Katello 4.12
what I noticed is I have to login to the VM with the local account and then run cloud-init clean --reboot to get all the cloudinit template from foreman. It is not automated at all. I am not sure why the config is not applied at the first time’
this is my /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg