Community demo items tracking - 2 suggestions


every community demo we’re searching the content to demo. Since 3 weeks is a long period, people tend to forget what they have worked on, especially if PRs are merged weeks after they have been developed. In Foreman core github, we added “Demo worthy” label some time. I’d like to ask every committer to consider setting the label if the PR adds some enhancement, including those that can be demoed in 5 seconds. Even in case that contributor won’t/can’t demo it. I think we’d easily find volunteers for demoing such additions :slight_smile: The goal is to easily find merged PRs with “Demo worthy” label.

I would also suggest adding the same label to all repos under theforeman organization where it makes sense (plugins mostly). We’re doing reasonably well in core, but I have a feeling we’re missing a lot of plugin additions in our demos, so this could help.

I’d be happy to hear opinions about those suggestions. Of course the label itself doesn’t solve anything, it’s committers who assign the label and volunteers performing demos :slight_smile:




Thanks for raising awareness of the ‘Demo worthy’ label.

I really like the idea. We discussed it in one of our daily standups and the team seemed to like (+1) the idea of using it.

It is important to note that reviewers can also add ‘Demo worthy’, if they see something that others might be interested in.


Thanks for adding this Marek!

I would also say add the label if you are reviewing a PR that you consider demo-worthy as a gentle nudge to that person to demo their work! :smile: