Contact information for Foreman?


I am a newbie to this forum and to Foreman.
I am interested in downloading and installing Foreman for use in my organization. However, there is an approval process that I need to go through, which involves our counsel reading through license agreements and contacting the company in order to approve software.
I am unable to provide (nor locate) any contact information to give our counsel. Therefore, I will unable to download and evaluate this software unless I have that information.
Would someone be able to help me out, or point me to the right information?
Thanks in advance!

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I donā€™t think we have an explicit list. The RPM packages are your best bet since they donā€™t bundle and generally have correct license tags. They also place licenses in /usr/share/license. The big exception are the Javascript packages (which are generally just a disaster when it comes to packaging). Theyā€™re also a build dependency so theyā€™re harder to evaluate.

Iā€™m wondering if others do have a good suggestion.

Thanks for the reply, ekohl.
Iā€™m really looking for someone for our counsel to speak with if they have questions.

Hi Scott,

Given this is an open source community project there is not a company to contact for discussions. As mentioned, there are a number of involved sub-projects and dependencies with various open source licenses attached that can be assessed if that is what is required. The main project, Foreman, keeps a copy of the open source license here for example ā€“

There are some companies that provide commercial support and licensing on their own licensing of the open source project.

There are a number of us that can help provide more information if you can provide specifics of what you need to use the open source project.


Eric, thanks for this information. I went looking for that yesterday and didnā€™t find it.

Would this be something that we should move onto the main website?

I think itā€™d be good to have something. Probably a License page under the Get help which lists this is good to have.

It also inspired me to look at other repos. The Foreman Ā· GitHub lists ours and many of them are correctly detected. Some arenā€™t even though we have decided on a license.

GitHub - theforeman/foreman-documentation: Documentation for the Foreman Project and its ecosystem isnā€™t entirely clear on the license either.

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Thereā€™s an email somewhere about which license is relevant. I will look for that now. Thank you @ekohl!

Thank you all for the comments.
Unfortunately, my company requires contact information in order to perform a thorough evaluation. I donā€™t believe I will be able to move forward.


As @ehelms mentioned, thereā€™s Red Hat Satellite and ATIXā€™s Orcharhino. Both are commercially supported versions of the same software. Iā€™d suggest to take a look at those.

Hi @smilewski

What kind of contact information? We are leaderless open-source group. General events are organized through a community team and group of elders. Have you worked with open source groups before? We could provide contact details of one or some of us, but there is no CEO of Foreman :slight_smile:

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If your concerns are software patents or copyright infringement there is the Open Source Assurance which Red Hat is committed into. This is one of the reasons why companies pick commercial products over the project: