Content host csv export shows ambiguous entry for subscription status

On a few content hosts, I ran “subscription-manager unregister”. I did this instead of deleting the host in katello. These all hosts show subscription status with a circled red X, which tells me they are no longer using a subscription.

when I exported all of the content hosts into a csv, all of the hosts that I unsubscribed show as “Fully entitled” but with the “content view environments” field as empty.

is this a bug?

Expected outcome:
if “subscription status” is invalid, I expect the exported csv to show as either invalid, or unentitled.

Foreman and Proxy versions:
Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:
katello 4.11.1
Distribution and version:
redhat 8.9

A host’s subscription status is removed from the database when it is unregistered, so I’m not sure why the CSV export is saying anything other than “Unknown.” It’s possible this is a bug, but since subscription status itself has been removed in Katello 4.12 it probably won’t get much attention. Once you upgrade you won’t need to worry about subscription status anyway, since you will have simple content access. :slight_smile:

Ok, thanks!
