1 dev activation key
1 dev host collection
1 dev content host
1 dev content view with ‘version 1.0’ content (basically all my current products)
1 dev LE with my content view in it
I have NOT subscribed individually on my host… i was under the impression that this host should see my repos without needing to subscribe within the GUI for that host. My content host cannot see any repos. Am I supposed to subscribe to each repo individually on my content host? If so, how does that work for large scale deployments? I was under the impression this was controlled by the host collection.
The only way my host was able to finally see my repos was when I subscribed it to the products under Content hosts -> host - >add subscriptions. I pushed out a subscription-manager refresh and my repo was generated.
How is this done on a large scale for host collections? I did this same exact method in host collections and it didn’t seem like anything was done to the clients.
Unless there is a step that I am missing, it should be possible to attach subscriptions through host collection to multiple hosts, at least I see ‘Subscription Management’ action. So if this does not work, there may be a bug or the task of subscription bulk attachment did not finish correctly for some reason.