After disabling deb content (I don’t have any deb content anyway and I don’t know why it was enabled) I was finally able to get a successful migration prepare run. However, the switchover fails:
# foreman-maintain content switchover
Running Switch support for certain content from Pulp 2 to Pulp 3
Switch support for certain content from Pulp 2 to Pulp 3:
Performing final content migration before switching content
Starting task.
2021-04-11 08:48:58 +0200: Importing migrated yum repositories: 1061/1410
Content Migration completed successfully
Performing a check to verify everything that is needed has been migrated
Failed executing foreman-rake katello:pulp3_post_migration_check, exit status 1:
ERROR: yum repositories with ID [40286,40803,40105,40504,40673,30638,28594] have a NULL value for version_href
Scenario [Switch support for certain content from Pulp 2 to Pulp 3] failed.
Foreman and Proxy versions: 2.3.3
Foreman and Proxy plugin versions: Katello
Distribution and version: CentOS 7.9.2009
Other relevant data:
Checking the database those ids all are related to a single repository:
id | pulp_id | relative_path
40286 | 1-centos7-epel7-v226_0-9423c534-6d22-4763-9fd1-6afcac70a8bb | ORG/content_views/centos7-epel7/226.0/custom/foreman/2_3_el7_x86_64
40803 | 1-centos7-epel7-v230_0-9423c534-6d22-4763-9fd1-6afcac70a8bb | ORG/content_views/centos7-epel7/230.0/custom/foreman/2_3_el7_x86_64
40105 | 1-centos7-epel7-v225_0-9423c534-6d22-4763-9fd1-6afcac70a8bb | ORG/content_views/centos7-epel7/225.0/custom/foreman/2_3_el7_x86_64
40504 | 1-centos7-epel7-v228_0-9423c534-6d22-4763-9fd1-6afcac70a8bb | ORG/content_views/centos7-epel7/228.0/custom/foreman/2_3_el7_x86_64
40673 | 1-centos7-epel7-Library-9423c534-6d22-4763-9fd1-6afcac70a8bb | ORG/Library/centos7-epel7/custom/foreman/2_3_el7_x86_64
30638 | 1-centos7-epel7-Testing-9423c534-6d22-4763-9fd1-6afcac70a8bb | ORG/Testing/centos7-epel7/custom/foreman/2_3_el7_x86_64
28594 | 1-centos7-epel7-Production-9423c534-6d22-4763-9fd1-6afcac70a8bb | ORG/Production/centos7-epel7/custom/foreman/2_3_el7_x86_64
(7 rows)