Foreman core Maintainers meeting on 2022-02-16
People present: @MariaAga (chair), @lzap, @amirfefer, @upadhyeammit, @aruzicka
3.1: no new cherripicks identifier
3.2: one cherrypick identified -, reasons: safe, just updating the docs, no need to wait to 3.3 with this
Headline features
- None
PR discussions and ownership
We discuseed this one again, we’d like to get some more feedback from the community on this design. It wouldn’t be able to provision two Ubuntu versions without the manual workaround of extracting the boot files. The legal concern was raised regarding the hosting such files ourselves. We can proceed with the initial work through -
We assigned @ezr-ondrej just to make sure the CP is correct, these are picks for 3.1 and 3.2.
Otherwise it was pretty standard assignment of reviewers, all PRs got someone assinged.