Could not look up qualified variable

Getting 'Could not look up qualified variable' warnings when trying to install a 1.6.0 smart proxy. From the manual I installed certs using puppetd --waitforcert and came up with the below foreman-installer line.

No /etc/foreman-proxy/ directory is created, no proxy is registered in the foreman gui and dhcpd.conf hasn't been created.

Variables don't seem to be present in foreman-installer.yamlbut answers seem to be there in foreman-installer-answers.yaml

[root@lgaforemanproxy tmp]# grep -i user /etc/foreman/foreman-installer-answers.yaml
user: foreman-proxy
puppetssh_user: root
oauth_effective_user: admin
puppet_user: root
[root@lgaforemanproxy tmp]# grep -i user /etc/foreman/foreman-installer.yaml
[root@lgaforemanproxy tmp]#

Suggestions appreciated as to how to troubleshoot.

[root@lgaforemanproxy tmp]# foreman-installer --no-enable-foreman --no-enable-foreman-plugin-bootdisk --no-enable-foreman-plugin-setup --no-enable-puppet --enable-foreman-proxy --foreman-proxy-tftp=true --foreman-proxy-tftp-servername=XXX --foreman-proxy-dhcp-interface=eth0 --foreman-proxy-dhcp-gateway=XXX --foreman-proxy-dhcp-range="XXX" --foreman-proxy-dhcp-nameservers="XXX" --foreman-proxy-foreman-base-url=https://foreman.myorg --foreman-proxy-oauth-consumer-key=XXX --foreman-proxy-oauth-consumer-secret=XXX
Preparing installation Done
Something went wrong! Check the log for ERROR-level output

[root@lgaforemanproxy tmp]# grep -i error /var/log/foreman-installer/foreman-installer.log
[ INFO 2014-09-16 05:20:06 main] /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util/errors.rb:60:in `fail'
[root@lgaforemanproxy tmp]# grep -i warn /var/log/foreman-installer/foreman-installer.log
[DEBUG 2014-09-16 05:20:00 main] warning: Scope(Class[Foreman_proxy::Plugin::Pulp::Params]): Could not look up qualified variable '::foreman_proxy::user'; class ::foreman_proxy has not been evaluated at /usr/share/foreman-installer/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/pulp/params.pp:4
warning: Scope(Class[Foreman_proxy::Plugin::Pulp::Params]): Could not look up qualified variable '::foreman_proxy::user'; class ::foreman_proxy has not been evaluated at /usr/share/foreman-installer/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/pulp/params.pp:4
[ WARN 2014-09-16 05:20:01 main] Hook 'Kafo::HookContext' is using block with arguments which is DEPRECATED, access to kafo instance is provided by hook DSL, please remove |kafo| from your hook block
[ WARN 2014-09-16 05:20:06 main] Scope(Class[Foreman::Cli]): Could not look up qualified variable '::foreman::foreman_url'; class ::foreman has not been evaluated at /usr/share/foreman-installer/modules/foreman/manifests/cli.pp:31
[ WARN 2014-09-16 05:20:06 main] Scope(Class[Foreman::Cli]): Could not look up qualified variable '::foreman::foreman_url'; class ::foreman has not been evaluated at /usr/share/foreman-installer/modules/foreman/manifests/cli.pp:31

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