The TFTP copying of vmlinux and initrd fails with . Target URL is validated muliple times with curl and wget manually, so the file is really downloadable. The source is an extracted OL8full ISO to /var/www/html/pub on the same foreman/katello host. Please see attached LOG File.
Expected outcome:
vmlinux and initrd are put into /var/lib/tftp/boot
Foreman and Proxy versions:
Foreman: 3.5.2
Katello: 4.7.3
Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:
Distribution and version:
OracleLinux 8.7
Other relevant data:
2023-03-20T09:19:01 3543f6af [I] Finished POST /tftp/fetch_boot_file with 200 (0.67 ms)
2023-03-20T09:19:01 3543f6af [I] [1164514] Started task /usr/bin/curl\ --silent\ --show-error\ --connect-timeout\ 10\ --retry\ 3\ --retry-delay\ 10\ --max-time\ 3600\ --remote-time\ --time-cond\ file\ /var/lib/tftpboot/boot/oraclelinux-8-iso-local-7jET8gzdRF9B-vmlinuz\ --write-out\ Task\ done,\ result:\ \%\{http_code\},\ size\ downloaded:\ \%\{size_download\}b,\ speed:\ \%\{speed_download\}b/s,\ time:\ \%\{time_total\}ms\ --output\ /var/lib/tftpboot/boot/oraclelinux-8-iso-local-7jET8gzdRF9B-vmlinuz\ --location\
2023-03-20T09:19:01 3543f6af [I] Started POST /tftp/fetch_boot_file
2023-03-20T09:19:01 3543f6af [I] Finished POST /tftp/fetch_boot_file with 200 (1.68 ms)
2023-03-20T09:19:01 3543f6af [I] [1164518] Started task /usr/bin/curl\ --silent\ --show-error\ --connect-timeout\ 10\ --retry\ 3\ --retry-delay\ 10\ --max-time\ 3600\ --remote-time\ --time-cond\ file\ /var/lib/tftpboot/boot/oraclelinux-8-iso-local-7jET8gzdRF9B-initrd.img\ --write-out\ Task\ done,\ result:\ \%\{http_code\},\ size\ downloaded:\ \%\{size_download\}b,\ speed:\ \%\{speed_download\}b/s,\ time:\ \%\{time_total\}ms\ --output\ /var/lib/tftpboot/boot/oraclelinux-8-iso-local-7jET8gzdRF9B-initrd.img\ --location\
2023-03-20T09:19:01 3543f6af [W] [1164514] curl: (3) <url> malformed
2023-03-20T09:19:02 3543f6af [W] [1164518] curl: (3) <url> malformed