Custom repository of type "File" does not appear for Katello/Foreman CentOS clients

I have created a new repository of “File” type and This is not presented to the Katello/Foreman clients
Expected outcome:
When issuing subscription-manager repos or yum repolist, I expect to be able to see this repo in my repo list
Foreman and Proxy versions:
Foreman Version: 3.15
Smart Proxy Version: 2.0.1

Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:
Foreman-tasks - 1.1.3
Katello -

Distribution and version:
CentOS-7 3.10.0-1127.13.1.el7.x86_64

Other relevant data:

In the WebGUI under subscription Data, all the standard CentOS repos appear but my custom repo does not appear.
I have a custom CA certificate for the Katello server with a life of 375 days. I have also tried this with the standard self-signed certificate but this did not work.

Standard yum repositories only provide RPMs. If you want to use yum then you’ll have to make it a RPM. yum doesn’t understand arbitrary files.

A files repository only provides access to files which can be downloaded via HTTP or HTTPS.

See this Red Hat acticle on the subject.

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Thank you for the article.

I had read some other articles which led me to believe you could make custom RPM’s and have them downloaded with YUM.

I will create my own yum repository and publish them this way.

Thank you.