Debian12 foreman-installer cron doesn't exist

I’m new in foreman installer, so I’ve got problem with cron evaluation during installation process
[ERROR ] [configure] Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Virtual Query, Resource type cron doesn’t exist

Foreman and Proxy versions:
foreman-installer 9999-3.12.0-bullseye+scratchbuild+20240719031402+debian11 all
yes, I know, version is for Debian11, but I didn’t find for debian12

Distribution and version:
Other relevant data:

Preformatted text[ERROR ] [configure] Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Virtual Query, Resource type cron doesn’t exist (file: /usr/share/foreman-installer/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/register.pp, line: 38, column: 60) on node foreman

line 38
Foreman_smartproxy[$foreman_proxy::registered_name] → Cron <| title == ‘puppet’ |>

the same error when running

foreman-installer -l DEBUG --puppet-server=false --foreman-proxy-puppet=false --foreman-proxy-puppetca=false --no-enable-puppet --enable-foreman-proxy-plugin-ansible

foreman-installer --noop

let me know, what I’m missing, pls.

$ dpkg -l | grep cron
ii cron 3.0pl1-162 amd64 process scheduling daemon
ii cron-apt all automatic update of packages using apt-get
ii cron-daemon-common 3.0pl1-162 all process scheduling daemon’s configuration files

it doesn’t fix the problem

hello. i had same problem too. i gussed that i have wrong version of puppet. And added puppet repo:

deb bookworm puppet
deb bookworm nightly
deb plugins nightly

next “wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/foreman.asc && apt update && apt upgrade”

and it solved problem. i hope it will help to you too.

PS: a little later i found info about it in documentation xD

The puppet-agent package in Debian 12 is missing the vendored modules that the official packages do have. They are packaged, but it requires a bit of additional work.