Default role assigned to new user (RH SSO external way)


Is there any way to define the default role to another that “defaul” to new user created by the RH SSO external way ?

Hi, could you please explain again what you’re trying to do? I didn’t quite understand it from your description.

When a new user is log in using the external RH SSO, his role is default. Is there any way to change that ?

Hi @jfwl,

Did you follow the guide in the Server Installation documentation?
If yes you should have configured a Group Membership Mapper, that sends all groups present in Keycloak to Foreman, this can then be used to map a role against a group (with an External Group attached) in Foreman :slight_smile:

Also just tested when you login with a user with no groups it will fallback to default, maybe you are seeing that :+1:

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